
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 16:15:21


Lawrence Sterne to Miss L.

  Yes! I will steal from the world, and not a babbling tongue shall tell where I am. Echo shall not so much as whisper my hiding place. Suffer the imagination to permit it as a little sun-light cottage, on the side of a romantic hill. Dost thou think I will leave love and friendship behind me? No! They shall be my companions in solitude, for they will sit down and rise up with me in the amiable form of my L ... We will be as merry and as innocent as our first parents in Paradise, before the arch-fiend entered that indescribable scene.

  The kindest affections will have room to shoot and expand in our retirement, and produce such fruit as madness and envy and ambition have always killed in the bud. Let the human tempest and hurricane rage at a distance, the desolation is beyond the horizon of peace. My L... has seen a polyanthus blow in December ... me friendly wall has sheltered it from the biting wind. No planetary influence shall reach us but that which presides and cherishes the sweetest flowers. God preserve us! How delightful this prospect in idea! We will build and we will plant, in our own way ...simplicity shall not be tortured by art. We will learn of nature how to live ... she shall be our alchemist, to mingle all the good of life in one salubrious draught. The gloomy family of care and distrust shall be banished from our dwelling, guarded by the kind and tutelary deity. We will sing our choral songs of gratitude and rejoice to the end of our pilgrimage.

  Adieu, my L ...

  Return to one who languishes for your society.







相信下个世纪,还能再...爱 你


英语:I love you

泰国:Ch'an Rak Khun

德语:Ich liebe dich.

法语:Je t'aime / Je t'adore

犹太语:Ani ohev otach(male o* **male


爱尔兰:taim i'ngra leat

爱沙尼亚:Mina armastan sind

芬兰:Min rakastan sinua

比利时佛兰芒语:IK zie u graag

拉丁语:Te amo,Vos amo

拉托维亚:Es tevi Milu

里斯本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha

立陶宛:Tave Myliu

马其顿:Te sakam


波兰语:Kocham Cie,Ja cie kocham

葡萄牙:Eu amo-te

罗马尼亚:Te iu besc,Te Ador

荷兰:IK hou van jou

捷克:Miluji te

丹麦:Jeg elsker dig

阿尔萨斯:Ich hoan dich gear

亚美尼亚:Yes Kezi Seeroom yem

巴伐利亚:I mog di narrisch gern

保加利亚:ahs te obicham


克罗地亚:Volim te

阿塞疆语:Men seni serivem

孟加拉:Ami tomay bhalobashi

缅甸:chit pa de

柬埔寨:Bong salang oun

菲律宾:Mahal Kita,Iniibig Kita

印度古吉拉特语:Hoon tane prem karun chuun

北印度语:main tumse pyar karta hoon

印度尼西亚:Saja kasih saudari

爪哇语:aku tresno marang sliromu

老挝:Khoi huk chau

马来语:saya Cinta Mu

马来西亚:Saya Cintamu

蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai

尼泊尔:Ma tumilai maya garchu,Ma timilai man parauchu

波斯语:Tora dost daram

他加禄语:Mahal kita

南非语:Ek het jou lief Ek is lief vir jou

加纳:Me do wo

埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈雷地区:Ene ewedechalu(for ladies)

阿拉伯语:Ana Ahebak(to a male)

瑞士德语:Ich li b Dich

克里奥尔语:Mon kontan ou

豪萨语:Ina sonki


马达加斯加语:tiako ianao

印度阿萨姆邦语:Moi tomak bhal pau

南亚泰米尔语:Tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren

印度泰卢固语:Neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu

乌尔都语:Mein tumhay pyar karti hun(woman to man)

越南:Em ye'u anh(woman to man)

新西兰毛里语:kia hoahai



冰岛:e'g elska tig

阿尔巴尼亚:T Dua Shume

俄罗斯:Ya vas Iyublyu,Ya Tibia Lyublyu

斯洛文尼亚语:Ljubim te

西班牙:Te amo,Te quiero

瑞典:Jag lskar dig

土耳其:Seni seviyorum

乌克兰:ja vas kokhaju

威尔士:Rwy'n dy garu di

亚述语:ana bayanookh(female to male)

高加索切尔克斯语:wise cas

