陈三传奇 在线阅读:请高手指教:我在重装系统时电脑自检完毕后出现的信息,是什么意思?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/03 08:17:09
A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer

If this is the first time you’ve seen this seop error screen, restart your computer.If this screen appears again, follow these steps:

The BIOS in this system is not fally ACPI comliant。 Please contact your system vendor or visit http://www.Hardware-update.com for an updated BIOS。If youu unable to obtain an updated BIOS or the latest BIOS supplied by your vendor is not ACPI compliant. You can tarm off ACPI mode daring text install storage drivers. The system will not notify you that the F7 key was pressed---it will silently disable ACPI and allow you to continae you installation.

Thchnical information:

第三段:你主板中的ACPI对你的(新安装的)操作系统不合适.请更新主板的版本或连接http://www.Hardware-update.com去更新.如果你主板的最新驱动仍然不支持现操作系统!你就再按 F7 进入主板设置.把ACPI功能关闭,就允许继续安装了.

我看是主板问题:你进入主板设置试下,不行的话要么不装新操作系统要么 换主板!(等于大动干戈)