
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 16:22:56

1.你算是问对人了,我十分喜欢Moby,它是光头Moby,它是电音顽童Moby,他是我超级喜欢的Moby,如果你听了他的歌,你一定会喜欢上他。Moby是电子音乐顽童,他很早就出道了,只是到1999年除了最最著名的《Play》后才算走红,《Play》的18首单曲的版权全部卖出(卖给广告,电影等方面作主题曲插曲),之后的《18》则是我最最喜欢的,它延续了《Play》的元素,所以对于追求完美新颖的Moby来说,他不是很满意这张专辑,不过可以告诉你,这张碟超级好听(我的可是正宗的国外原盘,京文唱片也早已引进发行,我买了卡带),去年Moby发行了两个版本的《Hotel》(步升EMI已经引进发行,但是删除了两首歌《Where You End》《I Like It》),单碟装和双碟豪华版(我都有,而且都是国外的原盘),加入了摇滚的元素,更加过瘾好听。至于Moby早期的作品,太多了,我也在搜索中。



Moby原名Richard Hall,出生在纽约,在康涅迪格州长大。他在8岁时就开始自己写歌了。他的父亲是哥伦比亚大学的教授。但当Moby2岁时,他便撒手人寰了。Moby全靠波西米亚式的母亲Betsy将他一手拉扯大。她母亲是位画家兼钢琴手,打扮得嬉皮味十足,并且经常带小Moby去参加摇滚音乐会。这对他以后的从艺历程有着举足轻重的影响。


“每个人都有各自不喜欢我的理由。” “每个人也都有各自喜欢我的理由。” ——Moby

Moby is a versatile musician who gained recognition in the early 1990s for his contributions to dance & techno music. The excellence and originality of his remixes made him a much-sought-after remixer.

When Moby first erupted onto the rave arena with the Twin Peaks-sampling "Go", little did the world realise just how far this New Yorker would go to confound the public. From house innovator to techno punk originator, thrash metal rocker to inadvertent soundtracker and composer, Moby has travelled disparate musical terrains with an insatiable thirst for fresh sounds and spiritual energy. It's been a long and varied journey, and one which laughs in the face of the accepted take on eclecticism. Not for Moby the safe bet. Moby, you see, is one of music's true mavericks. Something to be cherished in the current climate of rampant mediocrity.

His 1995 album Everything Is Wrong earned critical acclaim and spanned several vastly different genres of music. A year and a half later, Animal Rights surprised many who never expected him to do an all-out rock record. Variety is the spice of life, and Moby treats his listeners to some great sonic recipes. His music is thoughtful, honest, and inspiring, running the gamut from contemplative ambient to hard rock and techno, and anything in between.

Moby's latest album, Play, has a bluesy feel, with a touch of hip-hop and other influences, and has been very well-received by fans and critics alike. It has gone gold or platinum in at least 15 countries, selling in excess of two million copies worldwide so far. Moby is currently in the midst of a marathon world tour.

他是小说《白鲸》作者的后代,可能是重孙,所以起名叫moby,白鲸被称为moby dick