
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/10 23:11:45
A problem has been debected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.
If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen,restart your computer .If this
screen appears again,follow these steps;
Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed.If this is a new installation,ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.
If problems continue,disable or remove any newly installed hardware kr software.Disbale BIOSmemory options such ad caching or shadowing.
If you need to use safe mode to remove or disable componeuts,
restart your xomputer,press F8 to select Advance startup options,and then select safe made.
Technical information:
*** STOP:0x0000007A (0xC03E691C,0xC0000185,0xF9A47000,0x04283860)
*** Mountmgr.sys-Address F9A47000 base at F9A42000,Datestamp 41107b05
Beginning dump or physical memory physical memory dump complete.
Contact your system administrator or technical support group for further dssistance

◆错误分析:这个错误往往是虚拟内存中的内核数据无法读入内存造成的. 原因可能是虚拟内存页面文件中存在坏簇、病毒、磁盘控制器出错、内存有问题.
◇解决方案:首先用升级为最新病毒库杀毒软件查杀病毒, 如果促无信息中还有0xC000009C或0xC000016A代码, 那么表示是坏簇造成的, 并且系统的磁盘检测工具无法自动修复, 这时要进入\\"故障恢复控制台\\", 用\\"chkdsk /r\\"命令进行手动修复.


利用蓝屏信息解决蓝屏问题 http://windows.chinaitlab.com/system/12955.html