
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 05:05:27

我找到了,费了不少功夫哦 下载地址:http://pwap.cn/sound0604/m138/0510948001147671129.mp3

Only One

Sshe's got a pretty smile
it covers up the poison that she hides
she walks around in circles in my head
waiting for a chance to break me
chance to take me down
now I see this burden you gave me
is too much to carry
too much to bury inside
I guess you're the only one
that nobody changes
I guess you're the only one
left standing when everything else goes down
you're still the only one,
you're still the only one
it's so shallow and all so appealing
I'm up to my ankles and I'm drowning anyway
in a sea of sarcastic faces
familiar places
everything looks quite the same here
it's all confusingly amusing
bitter and tainted the picture you painted to me
I guess you're the only one
that nobody changes
I guess you're the only one
left standing when everything else goes down
you're still the only one
who will never change faces
I guess you're the only one
left standing when everything else goes down
just 'cause it's all in your head
doesn't mean it has to be in mine
don't believe what you said
still can't get it out of my mind
I've tried to find myself in approval
I've already been there already done that
it got me nowhere it brought me nothing
but a good place to hide in
no one to confide in now
I guess you're the only one
that nobody changes I guess
guess you're the only one
who will never change faces
I guess you're the only one

Original Release Date: October 31, 2000

Label: Dreamworks

音乐类型: Alternative Rock

Lifehouse由主音、吉他手兼作曲人Jason Wade、贝斯手Sergio Andrade和鼓手Rick Woolstenhulme组成,但在舞台上他们却是4人组合,加多一位吉他手Stuart Mathis。作为灵魂人物的Jason,属于天才型,不只作曲有水准,那把嗓子别具一格,带有“原始”味道,而且写的歌词相当有深度,尤其是关于生活经历的种种,很能引起听者共鸣。

而,Jason今年才20岁!听他们的《Hanging By A Moment》,实在很难想像写这首歌和唱这首歌的那把声音,是属于一个才20岁的小伙子。







在早期换过一个鼓手后,Jason和Sergio最后遇上来自乐手世家的Rick,今天的Lifehouse遂告成形,他们在一些场所的表演大受欢迎,盛名传到制作人Ron Aniello耳中。

两年后,当Ron听到他们的一首《Breathing》后,认定这支乐团已成熟,可以出唱片了,马上把这首歌带去给经理人Jude Cole听,Cole也对当时只有17岁的Jason那把有共振效果的嗓子,深表赞赏,即刻把这项“新发现”通知DreamWorks唱片公司总裁Michael Ostin,1999年10月底,Lifehouse第一张专辑《No Name Face》推出。

经过接近半年的努力,《No Name Face》已在美国卖破首个100万张,在壁报专辑销售榜的排名也迫近前10名,而主打歌《Hanging By A Moment》在单曲榜更已进入10大。

Lifehouse一再强调,他们的音乐是要接近歌迷,虽然还不够实力办本身的巡回演唱会,但他们已先后与Pearl Jam和Fuel跑台,近期则是与Matchbox 20和Everclear一起在美加巡回演唱。Lifehouse的歌乐风格,其实和以上4支乐团都是蛮能结合的,远远超过3位成员的实际年龄。

至今LIFEHOUSE已出过两张专辑,另一张是2003年5月出版的Stanley Climbfall.


1. Hanging By A Moment
2. Sick Cycle Carousel
3. Unknown
4. Somebody Else's Song
5. Trying
6. Only One
7. Simon
8. Cling And Clatter
9. Breathing
10. Quasimodo
11. Somewhere In Between
12. Everything
