
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 10:56:26


Access all day.全天开放
Admission is free 不收门票
Advanced booking is essential to avoid disappointment 提前预定,避免错过
Child reductions 儿童优惠
Concessions (票价)优惠
Day trip to … ……一日游

Discounts available for pre-booked groups 团体提前预定优惠
Fine views of London 伦敦美景
For more detailed information please call 欲知详情,请打电话。
Free children admission with full paying adult 卖成人票,儿童免费。
Free children ticket with this leaflet 持本广告儿童免费。
Free entry for all. 向所有人开放
Free entry to over 60 attractions 免费到60 多个景点旅游。

Shopping offers 提供购物机会
Sights of London. 伦敦风光
Sightseeing at its best! 观光游览最佳季节。
Tour operators 旅游组织者
Tours take up to two hours 游程两个小时。
Tours are held throughout the day 旅游活动全天进行。
Tours have live English commentary 旅游配有现场英语解说。

tour,(旅游scenery,风景budda,大佛trip,旅行check-out,离开酒店check-in,住进酒店travel 旅行agency,旅行社welcome,欢迎hotel酒店,city,城市three gorges,三峡风景区terra cotta兵马俑,great wall长城,tiananmen square.天安门广场