2017年丽台显卡天梯:帮忙分析 the rose and the gardener 这首诗

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 15:17:53

是英国诗人Austin Dobson写的那首诗吧
我翻译一下第一段,剩下你自己完成吧 不会可以问我


在诗歌的末尾 有一句点睛之笔
And I wove the thing to a random rhyme, For the Rose is Beauty, the Gardener, Time.(我聊将此事写一首小诗,因为玫瑰虽美,园丁却是时间)

本诗在鞭挞忘恩负义的玫瑰,讴歌心情仁厚的园丁的同时,也揭示了玫瑰美艳之短暂,园丁功德之永恒! 也暗含了对像园丁一样的教育工作者的赞美!




The Rose in the garden slipped her bud,
And she laughed in the pride of her youthful blood,
As she thought of the Gardener standing by-
"He is old, - so old! And he soon must die!"

The full Rose waxed in the warm June air,
And she spread and spread till her heart lay bare;
And she laughed once more as she heard his tread -
"He is older now! He will soon be dead!"

But the breeze of the morning blew, and found
That the leaves of the blown Rose strewed the ground;
And he came at noon, that Gardener old,
And he raked them gently under the mould.

And I wove the thing to a random rhyme,
For the Rose is Beauty, the Gardener, Time.


A tech-woman is like a painter. First she presents what are required by her customers, just like a street-artist.

Second she grows to be an artist, who creates works for herself.

I've never thought I would be an artist. I thought I'm born to be a scientist.

However, they chose me to be an artist. Interesting enough, I think that's the easist job in the world!