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On a basic situation on a literature and on a leadership speech on a dynamic information on a theoretical study on a reform on a new job on a hill of stone him on a "WTO accession" and the opportunities and challenges facing higher studies Xingtai Vocational Technical College Huang Lizhi After joining the WTO, China's social life and the national economy will have a significant impact on our automobiles, telecommunications, textiles, clothing, construction, agriculture and other sectors will be a major adjustment of product structure and reorganization. In the education system as a whole, vocational education reflect the most sensitive to the economy, and higher vocational education in China's accession to the WTO will reflect the most dramatic and the most obvious. "WTO entry" My position towards education, in large part, is the world higher technical and vocational education trends. First, continue to expand higher education scale "entry into the WTO," China's higher vocational schools and the number of students in a substantial number will increase. Computer, telecommunications, medical, and other industries will be more employment opportunities in these industries, knowledge workers will replace the traditional industrial worker become the dominant work groups. In accordance with the current Beijing Zhongguancun talent level, a master's, PhD 7%, 20% undergraduate and 20% tertiary students, post graduates 48% of the projected proportion to the "WTO entry" likely to increase the employment opportunities for 12 million base "WTO entry" high level (including some colleges and universities of higher technical colleges) will be 240 million jobs. So, now the highest number of students far from the community to meet future needs. The current "Putin high fever" and "high cold" will affect the level of students? In the near term, have a negative impact on schools, in the long run, will not be affected. For the current "high cold," mainly because of the economic situation triggered whenever economically backward areas on the high-cold; Where economically developed areas, high on the stability and development. Shanghai Brian accounting schools have developed rapidly in recent years, is a case in point. Thus, WTO accession economic development, the increase in jobs will inevitably lead to the expansion of school size. At the same time, new technologies and new standards, the introduction of new industries, will further stimulate higher prosperity. Foreign-funded institutions may offer some training, international cooperation and private-run high schools will further develop, thereby increasing the number of schools. Since starting school late, the foundation is poor, the relative size of the expansion space is relatively large. Second, the internationalization of higher education will move toward After accession to the WTO, the internationalization of economic model will inevitably lead to the internationalization of higher education. One of the hallmarks of the internationalization of the mutual recognition of diplomas. Europe "in 2000 teaching career plan" highlighted the transnational exchange of students and teachers, graduate diploma mutual recognition. "WTO accession" would intervene in the foreign occupation of our vocational education and training institutions, as long as they do not infringe on national sovereignty in the political, subject to our laws and policies, to achieve the required operational standards, can recognize their diplomas. Of course, foreign enterprises must also be reciprocal recognition of my government issued a formal diploma, and to give colleges and universities with foreign diploma equivalent to the same treatment. 3, the further development of higher education system to continue Market competition, enterprises competition is ultimately a competition of talent. To produce high-tech products, the rapid transformation of scientific and technological achievements in order to enhance the quality of staff is a prerequisite. American businesses invest in employee training is very great. According to U.S. Labor Department statistics show that : Since the beginning of the 1990s, the American Enterprise staff education costs directly to over 45 billion U.S. dollars, is expected in 2000 after five years, to invest more funds for staff education. China's WTO entry, enterprises will have to finance staff training. Thus, on-the-job training and training positions will be substantial growth, high schools should play a relatively high theoretical knowledge and practical ability strong advantages in this regard to national industries contribute to the revitalization. Under our agreement with the United States, China will not restrict access to all services sectors, thereby non-academic education with large foreign enterprises will face competition in the training institutions. If occupation of enterprise workers training this education market, China's top institutions of higher education must be in the professional quality and materials can reflect the latest technology and rules the world, a more complete Shixun venues and equipment. 4, top education will be a higher level To vocational education and improve the status of vocational education in education, education reform is the development trend of the world today. UNESCO's "first decade of the 21st century technical and vocational education programs" : "to achieve? - West ellipse rake to escape ? gizzard strain liquids French skeleton honk fled FEHD line ripple South that cherry ? Gou Mountain 逿 vet in the education system status. "Western countries have developed to vocational education, Dr. education stage, China's Taiwan region two countries Road (technical and vocational education) have postgraduate degrees. "WTO entry 'economic development and industrial upgrading objectively calls for improving higher vocational education level, and can not remain at the specialist level. In my view, China's level should include specialist, undergraduate and postgraduate level 3. My future education and vocational Putin should gradually improve the system, junior-high Po-University-Graduate School; junior-residential-school-research and development centers. a vocational education stories, which is not conducive to higher education and development of students, nor to train high-level technology applications talent. Today, China's top institutions of the low rate of reporting, One of the reasons is that students and parents not at the end of the higher vocational education. high school must change the current fees, the status quo can be made low-level development. 5, the curriculum update speed School education curriculum is to achieve the goals of the educational content choices combined. Upon joining the WTO, industrial production standards, manufacturing processes, processing equipment, means of production, distribution networks and management, as compared with our current situation will be very different. These will inevitably reflected in the curriculum and teaching materials. As more foreign enterprises such as the influx of domestic and foreign enterprises will encounter some legal issues, the legal basis for school curricula, the need to increase the content of international law and economic law. "The first decade of the 21st century technical and vocational education programmes," that "rapid globalization and technological progress and unclear economic prospects for the redesign of the teaching plan (curriculum), so that TVET can fully guarantee all members of society to meet the employment and re-employment of a variety of needs." Changes in the vocational education courses in the world, will certainly in my future vocational education courses have been updated to reflect. Therefore, "entry into the WTO," school curricula and teaching materials will make a major adjustment and updating. 6, professional teachers, the ratio will gradually expand outside According to the forecast, China will be 10,493 teachers after, but how the appointment will be changed. To quickly reflect new technologies and new techniques, Italy employ a large number of professionals from outside the teaching, so that students learn the latest knowledge required for today's society. If the design is a professional designer shoes for school, and they can design and the latest models to students, school teachers to update their knowledge for the slow, low-capacity operation of the practice. Australia is generally a certain number of years of service from the professional and technical staff recruitment vocational education teachers. External teachers implemented mainly, first, to improve the quality of teaching and eliminating "South Mr Kwok"; Second, in order to reduce the burden of school, reducing teaching costs. According to rough statistics I Homes, a number of full-time secondary teachers, eight classes a week, together with wages and class fees, compared with the External teacher, the school has to pay more than two thirds of the cost, which also is a variety of bonuses and benefits. Moreover, as the job market changes, schools will have to face new and outdated professional adjustments professional projects, and the same arrangements outdated professional teachers is a problem. Therefore, whether from external or internal environment-driven, high schools, professional teachers External teacher ratio is gradually increasing trend of the times. 7, students will be diversification of skills Today's society, the advent of technology, students develop the skills of today may not graduate on outdated. Whether the timing of when Intel strategy, or Microsoft "eliminated their products" slogans, without exception beckons to the tough competition in technological upgrading. So Singapore advocate "to tomorrow's technology, today nurturing students for the future services." Generally, the more professional-strong, adaptive worse. Future social change, the adjustment of industrial structure, and who can hardly accurate forecasts; But one thing is emerging that the bulk of industrialization stage, the production features will be standardized knowledge industries stage more categories, small lots, soft characteristics of the production replaced. Professional school students to enhance adaptability and employment competitiveness and adapt to future community needs diversification, we should train the students to have a variety of capacities, such as vehicle maintenance and driving, mechanical manufacturing and design, product development and marketing, the real training "multi-skill" compound talent. Editorial responsibility : high-Ki From the "China vocational education," 2001 No. 11



邢台职业技术学院 黄立志



“入世”后,我国的高等职业学校数量和在校生人数将有大幅度的增长。电脑、电信、医疗等行业将有更多的就业机会,在这些行业中,知识型工人将取代传统产业工人成为占主导地位的工作群体。按照北京目前中关村的人才层次,硕士、博士占7%,本科生占20%,大专生占20%,中职毕业生占48%的比例推算,以“入世”可能增加的1 200万个就业机会为基数,“入世”后高职层次(含普通高校的高职技术学院)将可增加 240万人的就业机会。所以,现在的高职招生数远不能满足未来的社会需要。



















当然选老师咯,老师做到老都可以,以后退休了还有奖金,而且退休奖金很高的哦~~ 休假的时候还可以当家教,工资又高!~


