dnf瞎子带无用怎么样:Lily Allen有人知道她么?不妨介绍下吧?觉得她唱歌挺有味道的.还有她那首LDN究竟什么意思啊?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/02 18:55:46

21岁的Lily Allen是英国喜剧演员Keith的女儿,极具音乐天赋的她这个夏天正式进军流行歌坛。她自己写词,能够熟练运用不同音乐元素,从POP,HIP-HOP,甚至DANCE等,都是她的拿手好戏。在众多的音乐媒体眼中,Lily Allen看起来将是下一位有实力的英国女歌手。 她的首张唱片《Alright Still》可以说是她真正迈入流行乐坛的成绩单。不过似乎现在就可以证明是优秀的。主打单曲《LDN》和《Alfie》自发布以来在电台排行榜位居前列,网络下载量也都超过了30万次。其余Lily亲自创作的歌曲《Not Big》,《Knock Em Out》也有不俗的表现。同时,结合MySpace个人音乐BLOG的发布,专辑未上市,就成为歌迷的最爱。通过各方面的合作及宣传,这张《Alright Still》被称为2006年最具魅力及市场价值的流行专辑。

  Lily Allen的首张个人专辑《Alright, Still》正式发行。在此之前,她的首支单曲《Smile》还在英国单曲榜中成功夺冠。她原本非常希望通过这张专辑角逐今年的水星音乐奖,但可惜最终未能如愿。尽管如此,Lily Allen所属的Regal Recordings还是对她给予了肯定。一位知情人士在接受采访时说:“大家原本都认为Lily Allen会得到今年水星奖的提名,因为她的确是新一代歌手中的佼佼者,尤其是歌词很棒。当结果公布的时候,Lily Allen很失望,但Lily的公司并没有对她失去信心。Lily Allen所属的Regal Recordings希望她能够尽快振作起来并在她的个人账户中汇入了两万英镑。”

  对于这次“挫折”,Lily Allen也并没有耿耿于怀,她在接受采访时说:“能够提名当然很好,但是想想以前曾获得过水星奖的歌手,他们现在又在哪呢?”

  在本周的英国专辑榜中,Lily Allen的《Alright, Still》首周上榜获得亚军,而获得本周冠军的专辑是伦敦独立摇滚乐队剃刀光芒(Razorlight)的第二张录音室专辑《Razorlight》。


  [ar:Lily Allen]
  [00:02.26]Lily Allen
  [00:07.90]Riding through the city on my bike all day
  [00:11.33]Cause the filth took away my licence
  [00:13.75]It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
  [00:16.15]Cause the sights that
  [00:17.16]I'm seeing are priceless
  [00:19.05]Everything seems to look as it should
  [00:21.30]But I wonder what goes on behind doors
  [00:23.55]A fella looking dapper,
  [00:24.54]but he's sittin with a slapper
  [00:26.30]Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore
  [00:28.84]You might laugh you might frown
  [00:33.57]Walkin' round London town
  [00:37.74]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
  [00:40.35]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  [00:42.12]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
  [00:45.06]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  [00:47.88]When you look with your eyes
  [00:50.03]Everything seems nice
  [00:52.43]But if you look twice
  [00:54.84]you can see it's all lies

  [00:57.17]There was a little old lady,
  [00:58.53]who was walkin down the road
  [00:59.98]She was struggling with bags from Tesco
  [01:01.96]There were people from the city
  [01:03.27]havin lunch in the park
  [01:04.26]I believe that it's called al fresco
  [01:06.51]Then a kid came along to offer a hand
  [01:09.03]But before she had time to accept it
  [01:11.36]hits her over the head,
  [01:12.98]doesn't care if she's dead
  [01:13.96]Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet
  [01:16.38]You might laugh you might frown
  [01:21.03]walkin round London town
  [01:25.65]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
  [01:28.23]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  [01:30.72]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
  [01:32.95]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  [02:33.38][02:23.98][01:35.56]When you look with your eyes
  [02:35.65][02:25.76][01:37.58]Everything seems nice
  [02:37.96][02:28.25][01:40.32]But if you look twice
  [02:40.39][02:30.78][01:42.76]you can see it's all lies
  [01:45.49]Life, that's city life,
  [01:49.03]yeah that's city life,
  [01:51.70]that's city life
  [01:53.91]Life, that's city life,
  [01:58.15]yeah that's city life,
  [02:01.05]that's city life
  [02:13.97][02:04.43]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
  [02:16.30][02:06.72]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  [02:18.66][02:09.03]Sun is in the sky oh why oh why?
  [02:21.02][02:11.26]Would I wanna be anywhere else
  Chorus x4