
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 19:59:59
1. 营业员向我们保证廉价衬衫的质量。(assure)
7。我们从不怀疑我们现在学习的越多,将来就能为国家工作的越好。 (doubt)
8. 你只有在远离父母时,才会明白父母的爱是那么无私和伟大。(Only...)
9. 如今不会操作电脑和说英语的人很难找到好的工作。(find)
10。“失败乃成功之母”这一名言将永远激励一代又一代的年轻人。(saying that)

1.The shop assistant guarantees the quality of inexpensive shirt to us.

2.Is thought best student,he bes elected again and is a monitor of our class.

3.Ying lucky straits built and is useful for further strengthen the nationality among communication.

4.Student is too more busy than end of term take one's examination lately and do the preparation to join the foorball game.

5.When he saw teacher came in,hid the book behind body.

6.To most of students and words,it is diligent study to lead to the successful only way.

7.We have never suspected us now and studied many,can be that state work in the future good.

8.You are only when bing far away from parents,can understand parents' love are so selfless and great.

9.Can not operate the computer and man speaking English now very hard the good work.

10."the failure is a successful mother"this famous saying will always inspire the one generation another young man act for others.

暑假作业 自己做!!!不要抄~~~!

1. Salesperson assured us that the quality of cheap shirts. (assure)
2. Considered to be the best student, he was elected again to our classes squad leader. (participle, parent)
3. The completion of the English Channel to help further strengthen the inter-ethnic communication. (gerund as subject, serve)
4. Students busy in the past few days to prepare for the examination period but not in football. (145-159. . To)
5. He saw the teacher involved, the book Tibet behind his back. (conceal)
6. For most students, the only way to success is hard to learn. (30-65)
7. We never suspected we are learning more in the future for the country will be able to work better. (doubt)
8. Only when away from your parents, the parents will understand that love is so selfless and great. (Heart. . . )
9. Now the computer will not operate and hard to find good English-speaking people. (find) 10. "Failure is the mother of success" that famous will always inspire generation after generation of young people. (saying that)