
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 17:31:30
摘 要:曹禺的剧作《雷雨》是中国现代话剧中极为成功的著作之一,是现代话剧成熟的标志,在中国现代文学史上被称为具有划时代意义的一面旗帜。作者以卓越的艺术才能,以二十年代的中国城市社会为背景,描写了一个以周朴园为代表的带着浓厚的封建色彩的资产阶级家庭生活的悲剧。通过周鲁两家之间复杂的人物关系和尖锐的矛盾冲突,深刻地描绘了旧制度必然崩溃的图景。对于走向没落和死亡的阶级,给予了有力地揭露和抨击。《雷雨》是一部艺术结构精巧的作品,无论是从故事层面、戏剧效果,还是从更深的哲理意蕴等方面,都是一部值得一读的精彩之作。这出剧在种种剧烈的矛盾冲突中完成了人物形象的塑造,剧本以尖锐的戏剧冲突、人物形象塑造的复杂性和多元化和高度个性化富于动作性的戏剧语言,构成了《雷雨》独特的艺术魅力。曹禺老先生凭着他深厚的功底和才华,使其传世之作《雷雨》在中国戏剧史上创造了新的辉煌,它为我们留下了更为旷远的思想和艺术的思维空间,这正是《雷雨》剧作永远迷人的地方,它不愧为是一部伟大的经典之作。本文就《雷雨》三个方面的艺术成就做以探讨。
关键词:《雷雨》 戏剧冲突 人物形象 复杂性 多元化 语言特色
中图分类号: I207.34

Abstract: Cao Yu's dramatic work "Thunderstorm" is in the Chinese modern modern drama one of extremely successful works, is the modern modern drama mature symbol, is called in the Chinese modern history of literature has an epoch-making significance flag. The author take the remarkable artistic ability, by the 20's Chinese city societies as a background, described one to have the strong feudal color bourgeoisie family life tragedy take Zhou Poyuan as representative. Through Zhou the Lu two between complex character relations and the incisive contradictory conflict, profoundly described the prospect which the ancient regime collapses inevitably. Regarding moves towards declining and the death social class, has given powerfully the exposition and the attack. "Thunderstorm" is an artistic structure exquisite work, regardless of is from the story stratification plane, the theatrical effect, from aspects and so on deeper philosophy implication, all is splendid work which worths reading. This play has completed the character image mold in all sorts of fierce contradictory conflicts, the script by the incisive play conflict, the character image mold complexity and the multiplication and the high personalization is rich in the movement play language, constituted "Thunderstorm" the unique artistic charm. Venerable Cao Yu by reason of his deep foundation of basic skills and the talent, caused it to be handed down for generations work "Thunderstorm" to create the new magnificence in the Chinese play history, it has left behind a more spacious far thought and the artistic thought space for us, this was precisely "Thunderstorm" the dramatic work forever the enchanting place, it for was worthily work a great classics. This article three aspect artistic achievements does on "Thunderstorm" discusses.
Key word: "Thunderstorm" play conflict character vivid complexity multiplication language characteristic
Chinese Library classification number: I207.34

Abstract: Cao Yu's dramatic work "Thunderstorm" is in the Chinese modern modern drama one of extremely successful works, is the modern modern drama mature symbol, is called in the Chinese modern history of literature has an epoch-making significance flag. The author take the remarkable artistic ability, by the 20's Chinese city societies as a background, described one to have the strong feudal color bourgeoisie family life tragedy take Zhou Poyuan as representative. Through Zhou the Lu two between complex character relations and the incisive contradictory conflict, profoundly described the prospect which the ancient regime collapses inevitably. Regarding moves towards declining and the death social class, has given powerfully the exposition and the attack. "Thunderstorm" is an artistic structure exquisite work, regardless of is from the story stratification plane, the theatrical effect, from aspects and so on deeper philosophy implication, all is splendid work which worths reading. This play has completed the character image mold in all sorts of fierce contradictory conflicts, the script by the incisive play conflict, the character image mold complexity and the multiplication and the high personalization is rich in the movement play language, constituted "Thunderstorm" the unique artistic charm. Venerable Cao Yu by reason of his deep foundation of basic skills and the talent, caused it to be handed down for generations work "Thunderstorm" to create the new magnificence in the Chinese play history, it has left behind a more spacious far thought and the artistic thought space for us, this was precisely "Thunderstorm" the dramatic work forever the enchanting place, it for was worthily work a great classics. This article three aspect artistic achievements does on "Thunderstorm" discusses.
Key word: "Thunderstorm" play conflict character vivid complexity multiplication language characteristic
Chinese Library classification number: I207.34
