马蓉被曝移民澳洲:翻译文章 英语的. 要快

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 01:55:51
In Britain the weather never gets too hot or too cold.There's not much difference between summer and winter.Why is it so?
Britain has a warm winter and a cool summer because it's an island country.In winter the sea is warmer than the land.The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain.In summer,the sea is cooler than the land.The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.The winds from the west blow over Britain all the year.They blow from the southwest across the sea.They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year.The west of Britain is wetter than the east.The winds must blow across the hing land in the west,so the east of Britain is drier than the west.

The Feelings in Korea
Because of International Student Exchange Programs, I have gotten a chance to come to Korea to taste the life in this country. As the saying goes, seeing is believing. To realize a country you must go to that country and have a look for yourself. I went to Korea for nearly a month. During this month, I found several characteristics by observation, as follows:

在不列颠天气从未得到太热或太cold.There's 是并非区别在夏天和winter.Why 之间它如此吗? 不列颠有一个温暖的冬天并且一个凉快的夏天因为这是海比land.The 风温暖的一个海岛country.In 冬天从海比land.The 风从海带来凉快的空气给Britain.The 风从西部吹动在所有year.They 吹动从西南横跨sea.They 是湿风的不列颠带来温暖的空气给Britain.In 夏天, 海凉快的。他们带来雨给所有year.The 在不列颠西边比east.The 风必须吹横跨hing 的土地在西部湿的不列颠, 因此在不列颠东边干燥的比西部。
感觉在韩国由于国际学生交换节目, 我得到机会来到韩国品尝生活在这个国家。如谚语所说, 看见是相信。体会国家您必须去那个国家和有寻找你自己。我去韩国几乎一个月。在这个月期间, 我发现了几个特征由观察, 如下