海盗日npc:15道英语选择题( )

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/08 06:49:36
1.What caused her so much sorrow?
She tried( ) to save her child from the flood.
A.in vain B.in time C.in fact D.in turn
2.The woman headteacher insisted that we( ) to the teaching
methods of the new chemistry.
A.were used B.get used C.had to be used D.must get used.
3.The car ran into a crowd of people,( ) to hospital immediately.
A.three of whom sent B.three of them sent
C.three of whom were sending. D.three of them were sent.
4.Yesterday I bought an interesting story book, ( )is very
A.which cover B.the cover of which C.its cover
D.the cover of whose
5.Jack is a man of determination,and ( )give in to difficulties.
A.does he never B.never he do C.never will he.
D.never he will
6.I hesitated for a long time ( )whether I should tell her the
news at once of not
A.to consider B.considered C.considering D.consider.
7.The rescue team ( )searching for the missing villagers after
the earthquake.
A.set out B.set up C.set off D.set about
8.( ) advantage of the natural resources,we set up a special
A.Take B.Taking C.Having taken D.To take.
9.The influence of Shenzhou-VI's successful space flight has
spread( ) the field of seience.
A.quite over B.very above C.rather past D.well beyond
10. ( )to live on land one day,where could he stay then?
On the moon or under the sea,I think
A.If man is forbidden B.Should man be forbidden
C.If man forbade D.When man has forbidden.
11.What do you think has made her so unset?
( ),I believe.
A.She failed her exam B.Failing her exam.
C.To have failed her exam D.Failed her exam.
12.Roby,you've done a good deed to an old man to( ) cross the
A.support B.carry C.shoulder D.arrange
13.Hearing a concert will be given in their college,the studens
all( ) to life.
A.returned B.got C.went D.came
14.There was a belief among the villagers in the past( ) bad
luck would happen to him who broke a mirror.
A.whom B.when C.why D.that
15.She didn't notice me when I entered,as she was ( )in her
A.losing B.absorbed C.dipping D.gathered




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