吉祥币要上wadcc了吗:英翻汉 在线等答案

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 13:46:00
Where there are leaders, work is stimulating, challenging, fascinating, and fun. An essential ingredient in organizational leadership is pulling rather than pushing people toward a goal. A “pull” style of influence attracts and energizes people to enroll in an exciting vision of future. It motivates through identification, rather than through rewards and punishments. Leaders articulate and embody the ideals toward which the organization strives.
People cannot be expected to enroll in just any exciting vision. Some visions and concepts have more staying power and are rooted more deeply in our human needs than others. I believe the lack of two such concepts in modern organizational life is largely responsible for the alienation and lack of meaning so many experiences in their work. One of these is the concept of quality.
Modern industrial society has been oriented to quantity, providing more goods and services for everyone. Quantity is measured in money; we are a money-oriented society. Quality often is not measured at all but is appreciated intuitively. Our response to quality is a feeling.
Feelings of quality are connected intimately with our experience of meaning, beauty, and value in our lives.
Closely linked to the concept of quality is that of dedication to, even love of, our work. This dedication is evoked by quality and is the force that energizes high-performing systems. When we love our work, we need not be managed by hopes of reward or fears of punishment. We can create systems that facilitate our work, rather than preoccupied with checks and controls of people who want to beat or exploit the system.
Ultimately, in great leaders and the organizations surrounding them, there is a fusion of work and play to the point where, as the poet Robert Frost said, “ Love and need are one.” It is the leader’s responsibility to get people from here to there.

有领导、工作激励、挑战、有趣、好玩. 组织领导的一个重要组成部分,是推动,而不是把人带向目标. "拉"式的影响energizes人报名参加,吸引了一场精彩的未来远景. 它通过识别性,而不是通过奖惩. 明确了领导和组织的理想而努力走向. 人们不能指望仅仅参加任何刺激眼睛. 一些观念和理想,后劲更深深植根于我们人类更需要比别人. 我不相信这两个概念在现代生活中主要负责组织疏远和缺乏经验的意义这么多的工作. 这是一个质量的概念. 现代工业社会一直注重数量,提供更多的商品和服务大家. 大量金钱来衡量; 我们是一个金钱挂帅的社会. 质量往往在衡量一切,但并不表示就是直觉. 我们对质量的感觉. 质量是紧密相连的感情与经验的意义」、「美」、「我们的生命和价值. 质量密切相关的概念就是奉献,甚至爱我们的工作. 这是奉献,得到的是优质的力量energizes高效率系统. 当我们爱我们的工作,我们不必害怕由希望奖励或处罚. 我们可以建立制度,促进我们的工作,而不是忙于检查和控制的人,或想利用巡逻制度. 最终,在伟大的领袖和组织的周围,有研究工作,发挥了地方,诗人RobertFrost说:"爱情是需要" 这是领导者的责任,使人们从这里到那里.