
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 18:19:11

it is 3:30am in the morening. though im having a hard time keepin my eye lids apart, for some reason i cannot seem to fall asleep. i dont know what exactly is keeping me up. the wonders, the thoughts, or the emptieness. i believe at this moment i am thinking about nothing and yet so many things. i guess thinking about myself thinking about nothing is still thinking about something. haha...oddily the last sentence makes perfect sense as of now. maybe it will become senseless after a little while. this entry has no specific topic because it is simply a diary which i expect only a number of people to understand.

im flirtatious? i guess so. but one thing is for sure...online...i can only flirt with the same person once. after this once, the spark will fade and i will move on with the speed of lightening. maybe ima player, tho i have yet to break any hearts. im just having a little fun. but then again...i think da flirting can go on longer in real life because sometimes it is awkward if i dont flirt...then there will be an awkward silence which i cannot stand. i would be sure to say something stupid. i sure wish that one person can keep me from going from one guy to another; however this is a wish that has not yet come true.

something funny happened today. i was at my friend's graduation. at the end of the night, as we were saying our good-byes i waved as my friend sought a hug. the thing with me is that i rarely hug people. i cant say that i never do because i have many times....but sometimes it feels a little awkward. well...it turned out his mom said he was trying to say good-bye so i waved good bye again. then i guess i would be really rude if i didnt give him a hug because it is his graduation. not that i mind...but i thought it was pretty funny and awkward. hmm come to think of it...i think he could use a little meat on his bones. ^^ sorry if your reading this....hehe...i liked your hug~!

people say that time will not go back. but what about flash basks? isnt that going back time? it's a wonder.

still cant sleep. this sucks. so tired.

all the leos i know are very sociable. what the hell is wrong with me? i am i so damn shy around strangers? dont i wish that i could be like them. i want to have fun with a person i just met. it's so spontanous. i want to have a life. i cant do that if all i do everyday is playing conquer. -_- <--- i learn this face on conquer. i think it looks pretty funny.

4:00am and still not tired...but the end

现在是凌晨三点半。虽然我眼皮直打架,但是不知为什么我还是睡不着。我不知道到底是什么令我难以入眠。是疑问? 是想法?或是空虚?我觉得此刻我什么都没想,但是又什么都在想。我想在想着自己什么都没想本身就是在想着什么。哈哈。。。奇怪,最后这句话居然说得就是现在的情况。不过可能过一会儿它就毫无意义了。这一篇没有什么特别的题目,因为它不过就是一篇日记而已。我也不希望多少人能懂,几个人足矣。
我轻浮吗?我想可能是吧。但是有一点毫无疑问。。。在网上。。。我一次只能和一个人调情。这一次之后,火花会熄灭,我会以闪电的速度飘走。可能我是个浪女吧,但是我从没伤过谁的心。我只是寻点儿欢乐而已。可是。。。 我想在现实生活里调情的时间可能会持续的长一些,因为有时候如果不调调情我就显得很傻。。。就会出现一阵令我难堪的沉默。然后我一定会说些蠢话。我真希望能有一个人,让我结束这种从一个男人身边换到另一个男人身边的状态;但这只是愿望,从没实现。
今天有一件好笑的事。我去参加了一个朋友的毕业典礼。晚上快结束的时候,我们都在说再见,我的朋友想拥抱我,我却只挥挥手道了个别。我很少拥抱别人。我不能说我从不拥抱别人,因为有的时候我也会拥抱。。。但有的时候我觉得拥抱有点难堪。嗯。。。后来他妈说他想说再见,我就又挥手道别。后来我想如果我真的不拥抱他一下就太不礼貌了,因为是他的毕业典礼嘛。可我不想。。。不过我觉得真的是又可笑又难堪。嗯,想想看。。。我觉得他的骨头上真没二两肉。^^ 对不起啊,如果你在读这个。。。呵呵。。。我喜欢你的拥抱~!
我认识的所有狮子座都是左右逢源的。那我他妈的是怎么回事呢?为什么我见了陌生人就该死的害羞成这样?我难道不想像他们一样吗?我想和刚认识的人打成一片。多自然。我想开心的生活。可是如果我成天到晚就是在玩征服者的游戏就永远不能这样。-_- <--- 我从征服者上学到了这个表情。我觉得看起来好好笑。