
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 17:46:36
In Great Britain the system of Coast Guard is very different. There are a small number of men, called lifeboatmen, who go out to help ships in trouble. These brave men often risk their lives, but they receive no money for their work. They live in small towns on the coast, and most have other jobs. The special lifeboats that they need are provided by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution, a private group which depends completely on money from private people. The R. N. L.I. Does not accept any money from the government. As a result, it cannot always buy the best and most modern lifeboats. For example, about ten year ago, British researchers began to criticize the lifeboats which were in use at that time. According to their studies, the lifeboats never sank, but they turned over in certain sea conditions and stayed upside down in the water. However, there was a new kind of lifeboat that did not turn over. The R.N.L.I. Began to buy this safer kind of boat, but it could buy only one or two every year.
Some years ago on the southwestern coast of England, a lifeboat station that did not have the new type of lifeboat received a radio call from a small ship that was sinking. The call came in the middle of the worst storm in forty years. The sea was very rough, but the lifeboat went out to try to save the men on the sinking ship. Two hours later, their radio stopped, and nothing more was heard from them. One day later a helicopter found the lifeboat. It was lying upside down in the sea. Probably a large wave hit it and turned it over. There were no survivors.
The news of the disaster shocked the people of Great Britain. A number of people began to criticize the lifeboat system.
01.The subject discussed in this text is _____ .
A.the lifeboat system in Great Britain
B.the lifeboatmen in Great Britain
C.the R.N.L.I.in Great Britain
D.the lifeboat station in Great Britain
02.What happened in the storm some years ago?
A.The men in the small ship were saved,but the lifeboatmen died.
B.The lifeboat turned over,and all the lifeboatmen died.
C.As the sea was too rough,the lifeboat could not go out.
D.A helicopter was sent to save the men on the sinking ship.
03.It is stated in the passage that _____ .
A.most lifeboatmen have other jobs from which they don't get money
B.Lifeboatmen are popular in Britain
C.the lifeboatmen should not be sent out when the sea is too rough
D.the U.S.lifeboat system has more money than the British system
04.The purpose of the passage is_____ .
A.to introduce a new kind of boat
B.to tell us that British people can often hear the news of disaster
C.to compare the U.S.lifeboat system with the British system
D.to explain the situation of the lifeboat system in Great Britain

1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C
The R.N.L.I. began to buy this safer kind of boat, but it could buy only one or two every year.