
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 16:56:34
•First, I deal with the effectiveness of the nominal exchange rate as a shock
absorber in IT regimes. This issue is related to the extent of the “pass
through” from the exchange to domestic prices. I argue that much of the
literature on pass through has missed the important connection between
“pass-through” and exchange rate effectiveness as a shock absorber.
•Second, I analyze whether the adoption of IT has had an impact on
exchange rate volatility. Many authors have pointed out that since IT
requires (some degree of) exchange rate flexibility, it necessarily results in
higher exchange rate volatility.4 This, however, is not a very interesting
statement. A more useful analysis would separate the effects of IT, on the
one hand, and of a more flexible exchange rate regime, on the other, on
exchange rate volatility. This is what I do in section III of the paper.
•And third, I discuss whether in an inflation targeting regime the exchange
rate should affect the monetary policy rule. I point out that, from an
analytical perspective, this is still an unresolved issue. At the policy level,
very few IT central banks openly recognize using the exchange rate as a
(separate) term in their policy rules (i.e. Taylor rules). However, existing
empirical evidence suggests that almost every central bank does take
exchange rate behavior into account when undertaken monetary policy.5
Much has been written about these three topics. And yet, there continue to be
unresolved policy issues surrounding all of them. In this paper I take a new look at these
issues, and I argue that recent policy debates have missed some of the finer aspects of
these problems. In Sections II and III, on pass-through and volatility, I perform
comparative empirical analyses for a group of 7 countries – two advanced and five
emerging – that have adopted inflation targeting.6 In Section IV, on the other hand, I
discuss the possible role of the exchange rate in determining the monetary policy stance
in an IT system. Section V is the conclusions.

首先, 我处理如一个震惊的名义上汇率的效力
在资讯里面的吸收体政权。 这一个议题被讲到那的程度 "途径
经过" 从交换到国内的价格。 我争论那么多那
" 通过 - 经过 " 和如一个令人感到意外的吸收体的汇率效力。
??其次, 我分析资讯的采用是否已经有一种冲击在
汇率挥发性。 许多作家自从已经指出那资讯后
需要 (某一程度的) 汇率柔性, 它必然地造成
较高的汇率挥发性。4 然而, 这是不一很有趣
陈述。 一项比较有用的分析会分开资讯的效果, 在那之上
一传递, 和比较有柔性汇率政权, 在另一个上, 在
汇率挥发性。 这是我在纸的第 3 节中做的。
??而且第三, 我讨论是否在对准政权交换的通货膨胀
比率应该影响货币政策规则。 我指出那, 从一
分析的远景, 这仍然是一个无法解决的议题。 在政策水平,
(分开) 在他们的政策规则中的期限.(也就是泰勒规则) 然而, 现有的
很多已经被写大约这三个主题。 而且仍然, 在那里继续是
他们的无法解决政策围绕着全部的议题。 在这一张纸我带在这些的一个最新流行
议题, 和我主张最近的政策辩论已经错过一些较好的方面
这些问题。 在第 2 和 3 节中, 在途径上-完成的和挥发性, 我运行
比较的经验为一群 7 国家 - 二分析前进和五
初现的 - 哪一已经采用对准的通货膨胀。6 在第 4 节中, 另一方面, 我
在一资讯系统。 区段 V 是结论。

首先,我处理效能名义汇率制度,以作为减震器. 这个问题涉及的范围是"通过",以交换国内价格. 我认为,通过大量的文献已失去联系的重要"通过性"和汇率成效作为减震器. -第二,我通过分析是否已影响了汇率的波动. 许多作者指出,因为它需要(某种程度)汇率弹性,但一定成效volatility.4汇率较高,但也不是很有趣的声明. 另外一种更有效的影响分析,一方面,采取更灵活的汇率机制,另一方面,汇率的波动. 这是我在第三节文件. -第三,我讨论了通货膨胀目标制度的货币政策,汇率应该影响统治. 我指出,从分析的角度来看,这仍然是一个悬而未决的问题. 在政策方面,很少公开承认,央行在汇率以作为期(独立)的政策规定(即泰勒规则). 但是,现有的经验证据表明,几乎所有的中央银行也采取汇率行为时考虑采取货币policy.5已经写了三个议题. 然而,仍然有一些悬而未决的政策问题都围绕着. 本文我重新看待这个问题,我认为,近期的政策辩论失去某些细节方面的问题. 在第二节和第三节,通过性和不稳定性,我从事的经验比较分析一组7个国家的两先进、五个新兴已通过通货膨胀targeting.6在第四节,另一方面我一起商讨角色的汇率决定货币政策的立场是它的制度. 第五节是结论.