
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 16:32:00
While the hope that governments will practice self-discipline is fantasy, the global economy imposes new and more severe restraints on government. It is forcing government back into fiscal responsibility. Floating exchange rates have created extreme currency instability, which in turn has created an enormous mass of "world money." This money has no existence outside the global economy and its main money markets. It is not being created by economic activity like investment, production, consumption, or trade. It is created primarily by currency trading. It fits none of the traditional definitions of money, whether standard of measurement, storage of value, or medium of exchange. It is totally anonymous. It is virtual rather than real money.
But its power is real. The volume of world money is so gigantic that its movements in and out of a currency have far greater impact than the flows of financing, trade, or investment. In one day, as much of this virtual money may be traded as the entire world needs to finance trade and investment for a year. This virtual money has total mobility because it serves no economic function. Billions of it can be switched from one currency to another by a trader pushing a few buttons on a keyboard. And because it serves no economic function and finances nothing, this money also does not follow economic logic or rationality. It is volatile and easily panicked by a rumor or unexpected event.
One example is the run on the dollar in the spring of 1995, which forced President Clinton to abandon his earlier spending plans and embrace a balanced budget. The run was triggered by the failure of the Republican majority in the Senate to pass a constitutional amendment calling for a balanced budget. Even if the amendment had passed, it would have been meaningless. It was riddled with loopholes and required ratification by 38 states to become law, which at best would have taken many years. But the world's currency traders panicked and started a run on the U.S. dollar. Already undervalued 10 percent against the Japanese yen, the run pushed the dollar down another 25 percent -- from 106 yen to the dollar to less than 80 -- in two weeks. More important, the run caused the near-collapse of the U.S. bond market, on which the United States depends to finance its deficits. The central banks of the United States, England, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, and France instantly swung into concerted action to support the dollar. They failed, losing billions in the attempt. It took the dollar the better part of a year to climb back to its original (still undervalued) exchange rate.

而虚拟货币,希望政府将自律是天方夜谭,全球经济带来新的更严厉的限制政府. 这回是迫使政府财政责任. 货币汇率浮动造成极度不稳定,从而产生了巨大的大规模"世界货币" 这笔钱有没有在全球经济及金融市场的主体. 这并不像经济活动造成的投资、生产、消费和贸易. 它的主要创立货币交易. 它的传统定义完全没有钱,是否标准计量、储存价值,即教学交流. 它完全匿名. 这是虚拟货币,而非实质. 但它是真正的权力. 数量如此巨大的金钱世界,它的变动,目前已进行了较大影响货币流通比金融、贸易、投资. 一天,这个虚拟的钱一样可以作为整个世界贸易的贸易和投资资金需求一年. 这个虚拟货币的流动性,因为它已完全不符合经济功能. 十亿可以由另一种货币的买卖,推了几键盘按钮. 起不到任何作用,因为它的经济和财政状况,也没有这笔钱在经济逻辑或理性. 这是很容易感到恐慌和不稳定或突发事件的谣言. 其中一个例子是行走美元在1995年春,克林顿被迫放弃先前的计划,包括平衡预算开支. 事情的失败,引发共和党在参议院的多数通过了宪法修正案,要求平衡预算. 即使修正案通过,那将是毫无意义的. 这是充满漏洞和38个州要求批准成为法律,充其量也已多年. 而世界货币交易开始感到恐慌,挤提美元. 已被低估10%,兑日圆、美元开办了另一把25%--从106日圆兑1美元,低于80--在两个星期. 更重要的是,这样做使几乎崩溃,美国债券市场,美国赖以资金赤字. 中央银行美国、英国、德国、日本、瑞士、法国随即采取协调一致的行动来支持即时美元. 他们失败了,失去了数以十亿计的尝试. 它把一年的大部分美元攀升回原来的汇率(仍然过低)
