
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 08:45:47
主要是翻译出这个 题目:Eating 1s and 0s,下文是帮助你翻译出这个的语境!
Readers will be familiar with the idea that computer games, digital music, and video images are strings of 1s and 0s stored on a computer hard disk or an Internet webserver. Some take such observations to mean digitization is confined to superficial and frivolous leisure activity.
That identification misleads. Bitstrings that are economic goods,
and digitization more generally, have a long and venerable intellectual history in science. Appreciating that background provides perspective on the discussion to follow.
In Fig. 1 production function F implicitly gives, among other
things, elasticities of substitution across factor inputs. The specification F is of course general but that same generality hides special and interesting properties that arise when factor inputs include bitstrings.Physical capital K is naturally taken to denote machines or hardware.Ordinary machines provide a fixed, finite range of actions: attach a door onto hinges in an automobile assembly line, shift a given volume of soil, decant a specific quantity of chemical reactant. While a microwave oven can act upon a whole range of different objects, it performs only one significant operation: agitate molecules. Similarly,
while many different objects can be placed inside it, a refrigerator does only one thing of note: cool objects. Numerical-control machine tools are a bit more flexible, but their range of operations too is delineated ahead of time. In all these cases, the original design specifies,once and for all, the set of possible actions. Hardware, unaugmented,can execute no operation that surprises its designer. As a rule, the more modern is such a machine, the more specialized and tightlystructured it becomes, and the more restricted and fixed in advance its range of actions.By contrast, bitstrings drive towards universal and self-modifying operation. The Turing machine, conceptualized by Alan Turing in the mid-1930s to determine the decideability of mathematics as a logical system of axioms, made precise how a small fixed set of instructions—
read one token of input from a stream; write one token onto the
same stream; move to the previous token or to the next token—
together with a finite set of states or configurations of the machine could produce effectively all conceivable computable outputs. Put differently, finite hardware becomes general-purpose when a (finite) Turing machine is attached to it and then fed an appropriate bitstring sequence of instructions. (Notice that this general-purpose nature differs from that more commonly understood in economics under “general-purpose technologies”, which concerns instead how a given technology can simultaneously affect many different sectors of an economy.)


