
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/05 20:47:37
zChickenLifeRecover = 0%; // auto use inventory health potion if life goes below this value.
zChickenManaRecover = 0%; // auto use inventory mana potion if mana goes below this value.
//Customize zPickit with these options.
zPickit zPickitEnable = TRUE; //enable pickit by default?
zPickitTeleport = TRUE; //Teleport to items.
zPickitClean = FALSE; //this will delete all items which reside on the ground not in pickit.ini
ckitDropInfo = FALSE; //show information to help aid in writing pickit.ini?
zPickitBasePriority = 255; //Base Item Priority. (pickit.ini for more information)
zPickitRadius = 30; //Item Scan Radius, Min: 10, Max: 30
zForceTeleport = FALSE; //if player isn't sorc, force pickit teleport (enable at your own risk!)
//for now it all goes into 1 file (zpickit.log)
//in future you will be able to select a
//custom logfile name for each feature.
zLogging {
zLogNames = TRUE; //All Logged Information prefixed with character/account name?
zLogDrops = TRUE; //Log Item Drops [out of town]?
zLogChickens = TRUE; //Log Chicken Quits?
zLogPickupSucess = FALSE; //Log Picking up items?
zLogPickupFailure = FALSE; //Log Pickup failures when inventory is full?
zLogHostiles = FALSE; //Log the names of those who hostile you?
zLogGameJoins = FALSE; //Log You Joining games?
zLogGameQuits = FALSE; //Log You Leaving games?
GroundDisplay {
GroundItemSockets = TRUE; //show sockets on selected ground items?
GroundItemWorth = TRUE; //show item worth over selected ground items?
GroundSelect = TRUE; // if FALSE same as /nopickup
Graphic {
ShowPing = TRUE; // show the ping on the right side of the screen always?
HealthBarColor = BLUE; // see readme.txt for color listing
HealthBarState = BOLD; // see readme.txt for state listing
misc {
zAntiIdle = FALSE; //Will Make player say random stuff every 3-6minutes.
zPotProtect = FALSE; // When Enabled, stops you from using pots at full life/mana.
zGameColorChat = FALSE; // Allows you to use '$$' for ingame color.
msgs {
MagicChar = "*"; //The Prefix for all zPickit Commands.
VerbosePrefix = "?c3::?c0 ";
ErrorPrefix = "?c1::?c0 ";
我知道是bot 告诉我什么意思就行了 我不怕封

你这个是bot ,会被封acc的