
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/08 15:06:27

Vista Customization Pack3.1


Vista Transformation Pack3.0

来自tcmagazine.info的Vista Transformation Pack(Vista桌面主体安装包),这是3.0版的最新发布。

-1 字体(Segoe UI+Bold)
-2 皮肤 (Longhorn SideBar, Vista) 、Longhorn SideBar 6.0的Vista时钟
-3 虚拟风格(Aero Style (Glass - 50xx),、Aero Style (Glass - 51xx) 、 Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1))
-5 墙纸 (Keynote Glass+Widescreen, Keynote Grass+Widescreen, WinV_Wallpaper)
-删除 MSN 皮肤

Changes in Version 3.0

-Added 2 Vista 5270 visual styles —(添加2个Vista 5270 风格)
|-Aero Style (Glass - Beta 2)
|-Aero Style (Vista - Beta 2)
-Added 2 Vista Media Player skins —(添加2个WMP皮肤)
|-Windows Media Player 11 (TheVista.ru)
|-WMP11 (MaStErHaCk)
-Added 2 Vista screensavers —(添加2个屏幕保护)
-Added 8 new Vista wallpapers from build 5270 —(添加8个Vista 5270 壁纸)
-Added Vista (Beta 2) stuffs such as —(添加Vista Beta 2系列成员如下)
|-login —(登陆)
|-icons —(图标)
|-progress dialog —(进度对话框)
|-start button —(开始按钮)
|-toolbar icons —(工具栏图标)
-Added WindowBlinds glass skin —(添加WindowBlinds透明皮肤)
-Corrected some Vista icons (Printers and Search) —(修正一些Vista图标:打印机和搜索)
-Fixed annoying cached files in harddisk source (such as i386, servicepackfiles, etc.)
-Fixed file extraction buffer error (some files that might be lost on some machines)
-Fixed Glass2k uninstallation bug —(修复Glass2k卸载问题)
-Fixed unattended transformation issues on unattended installation (Works only on First-Run transformation mode)
-Removed "Aero Style (Glass - 51xx)" since it's similar to Beta 2 ones —(删除"Aero Style (Glass - 51xx)")
-Updated ToolBar style settings —(更新工具栏风格设置)
-Updated Vista Beta 1 progress buttons —(更新Beta 1 的进度按钮)
-Updated visual styles —(更新下列风格)
|-Fixed TreeExpandCollapse transparency bug —(修复目录树折叠透明错误)
|-Renamed "Aero Style (52xx)" to "Aero Style (Beta 2)" —(重命名"Aero Style (52xx)"为 "Aero Style (Beta 2)")
|-Fixed CaptionButton background bugs in Vista visual styles —(修复Vista风格的标题按钮背景问题)
|-Fixed Compact StartPanel bugs in Aero Style (Vista - Beta 1) visual style —(修复Aero风格的紧缩开始面板问题)
|-Updated ListviewHeader image to new Vista ones —(更新列表视图标题图片为Vista风格)
|-Updated Logoff/Shutdown button position in Beta 2 series —(更新注销/关机按钮位置)
|-Updated new 5270 stuffs to Beta 2 series —(更新新的5270成员到Beta 2系列)
|-Updated some improved elements in Beta 1 serires —(更新一些改进的元素)
|-Updated Tabitem images to ones used in IE7 in Beta 2 series


Vista Inspirat Shell Pack 1.1

Vista Inspirat Shell Pack是一个可以让你将WinXP或者Win2003装扮成WinVista界面的软件,多国语言版本,对简体中文支持好。


Vista Visual Styles Pack 3.0

自Vista 5259泄露以来,作者就对它的虚拟风格文件及资源进行了提取,发布了Vista风格。包含两个:Vista Beta 2默认的主题和Aero 52xx系列带透明效果的主题。
(内存占用不多,系统运行稳定,登录界面 桌面图标 屏保壁纸 WMP10皮肤 状态栏和开始菜单等等都VISTA化了~和壁纸是一样的图案,只是会动,动起来很漂亮~
