仁王 乌鸦天狗:英文翻译,4号前要,OK的话追加到200

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 08:12:43

关键词:社会责任 社会责任论 职业道德 自律

新闻工作者的社会责任||The social responsibility of the journalist媒介作为除立法、司法、行政的第四势力,担任着社会的监督者、人民的代言者等角色,无时无刻不在对社会产生着影响,并承担相应的社会责任。||The medium conduct and actions in addition to lawmaking,judicatory,administration the fourth influence, hold the post of the generation of the social inspector,people speech etc||The medium conduct and actions in addition to lawmaking,judicatory,administration the fourth influence, hold the post of the generation of the social inspector,people speech etc. role, Be not bringing about influence on society all the time, and the social responsibility for undertaking to correspond.西方在早期就提出了关于媒体的责任问题,指出坚持新闻自由必须承担社会责任和义务,强调新闻自由是权利和义务的统一,并对媒介的社会责任进行了界定;在我国,国家也对新闻媒体提出了一定要求,并制定了相应的条规对媒体和新闻工作者的行为进行约束。||role, Be not bringing about influence on society all the time, and the social responsibility for undertaking to correspond.The west put forward a responsibility problem concerning medium in earlier period, point out the persistence freedom of press has to be undertaken the social responsibility and obligation, emphasizing the freedom of press is a right and unify compulsorily, and carry on a define to the social responsibility of the medium;At the our country, the nation also put forward a certain request to the news medium, and draw up to correspond of the regulation rule carries on stipulation to the behavior of the medium and the journalist.对西方与我国对媒体社会责任的观点进行了归纳总结,并结合我国实际国情和无产阶级新闻事业的特点,阐述了我国新闻媒体的社会责任,指出在现今我国的情况下,新闻工作者应该如何提高自己的业务能力和思想水准来担负起媒体的艰巨的社会责任。

Journalist's social responsibility

The medium achievement eliminates the legislation, judicial, the administrative fourth influence, holds the post of society's surveillants, the people is speaking on another's behalf and so on the roles, constantly in is not having the influence to the society, and undertakes the corresponding social responsibility. The west proposed in the early time about the media responsibility question, pointed out the insistence freedom of the press must undertake the social responsibility and the duty, emphasized the freedom of the press is the right and the voluntary unification, and has carried on the limits to the medium social responsibility; In our country, the country also proposed to the news media certain request, and has formulated the corresponding laws carries on the restraint to the media and journalist's behavior. Have carried on the induction summary to the West and our country to the media society responsibility viewpoint, and unifies our country actual national condition and the proletariat journalism characteristic, elaborated our country news media social responsibility, pointed out in the nowadays our country's situation, how the journalist should sharpen own professional ability and the thought standard shoulders the media the arduous social responsibility.