
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/05 20:58:13
3. Experimental 3.1. The acquisition of the views and the multi-view alignment The 1953 Ferrari 250MM is shown in Fig. 2. To perform the measurements, the car was placed on an overhead-travelling crane in the workshop. Since OPL-3D is portable, and does not need recalibration when it is moved around the object, the tripod was mounted on wheels to facilitate the movements around the car. Fig. 3shows an example of projection of a pattern, out of the set of 11 patterns that belong to the Gray Code-Phase Shift sequence, performed as a preliminary test of the colour calibration of the system. Due to the high number of views to be taken, the IMAlign module has been used. The digitisation of the Ferrari 250MM showed up to be critical under a number of aspects. These are (i) the ARTICLE IN PRESS G. Sansoni, F. Docchio / Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 20 (2004) 362 359–367 high regularity of the surfaces without edges to be used as ‘anchoring’ points to align the different views, (ii) the glossy red paint, and (iii) the large overall dimensions. The measurement strategy applied to overcome all the above critical aspects is described in the following. 3.1.1. Use of physical markers IMAlign is based on a semi-automatic procedure, which allows the alignment of each ‘floating’ view with respect to those already ‘locked’ together in a common reference system. The basic mechanism requires the selection of at least three fiduciary points in each of the views. In the experimental case considered here, it was observed that, when the selection of the points was performed in correspondence with the edges of the surface, the matching was very fast and accurate (i.e., the error introduced by the alignment was lower than the uncertainty of the measurement). However, when regular portions of surfaces had to be aligned, the computation time dramatically increased, the alignment was inaccurate, and it very often failed.

3. 310实验. 购买意见,多方协调,在1953年费拉里厚载子. 2. 进行测量,车放在一个架空的起重机旅游研讨会. 由于斗争,是便携式3D,不需要重新校准时绕过物体,被安装在三角架轮子方便各地汽车. 580人. 3shows典范预测模式,制定了11个模式,属于Gray代码转变阶段顺序进行的初步试验的颜色校准系统. 由于大量的看法应该采取的模式已经imalign使用. 费拉里化的厚的出现是在若干重要方面. 上述(一)的文章新闻GSansoni、FDocchio/机器人和计算机集成制造20(2004)362359-367高稳定性的表面没有优势成为'处'点,使各种不同意见,(二)光滑的红色油漆,以及(三)大型整体规模. 衡量战略实施的重要方面,以克服上述说明如下: 授. 利用物理imalign标是以半自动程序,使每一个组合「浮动」,已对「中」共同合作参考系统. 选拔机制的基本要求至少有3个点,每个责任的意见. 在实验案件审议这里,有人认为,如果选择的地点进行配合力表面,配合非常快、准(即误差提出调整较不确定的计量). 但是,如果经常要调整部分表面,大大增加了计算时间,是不正确的路线,而且常常失败.


3. 实验性3.1 。看法和多看法对准线的承购1953 年Ferrari 250MM 被显示在图2 。进行测量, 汽车被安置在一台天花板旅行的起重机在车间。因为OPL-3D 是便携式的, 和不需要recalibration 当它被移动在对象附近, 三脚架登上在轮子促进运动在汽车附近。图3shows 一个样式的投射例子, 在属于灰色代码阶段转移序列的套11 个样式外面, 执行作为系统的颜色定标的初试。由于看法的高数量被采取, IMAlign 模块被使用了。Ferrari 250MM 的数字化显示了由决定是重要的在一定数量的方面之下。这些是(i) 文章在新闻G. Sansoni 里, F. Docchio/机器人学和计算机联合表面的制造业20 (2004) 362 359-367 高规律性没有边缘被使用作为` 停住' 点排列不同的看法