
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/05 21:50:20
业 或 本 人 有 任 何 偏 见。 千 万 不 要 因 为 英 文 不 好 而 胆 怯, 给 对 方 留 下 缺 乏 自 信 的 印 象
企 业 介 绍 手 册 和 产 品 说 明 书 要 尽 可 能 的 简 单 明 了。 企 业 介 绍 手 册 要 做 得 精 美, 语 言 要 用 与 时 代 同 步 的 英 语, 并 尽 可 能 口 语 化, 尽 量 多 用 数 字、 图 表。
计 划 性 和 前 期 资 料 准 备 工 作 非 常 重 要。 和 美 国 人 谈 生 意, 一 切 活 动 都 要 事 先 安 排 好。 谈 判 前 要 有 具 体 的 项 目, 有 一 个 很 具 体 的 目 标。 资 料 准 备 工 作 越 细 越 好。 如 果 没 有 详 细 的 资 料, 想 起 什 么 谈 什 么, 美 国 人 会 觉 得 您 根 本 不 认 真, 是 浪 费 他 们 的 时 间。
米乐乐 10:46:00
很 多 中 国 企 业 家 认 为 英 文 的 流 利 程 度 是 美 国 人 衡 量 他 们 的 重 要 依 据。 其 实, 这 个 观 点 是 错 误 的。 在 美 国 这 个 种 族 大 熔 炉 里, 美 国 人 已 经 习 惯 了 听 各 种 各 样 的 英 文, 他 们 决 不 会 因 为 您 不 标 准 的 英 文 而 对 您 的 企 业 或 本 人 有 任 何 偏 见。 千 万 不 要 因 为 英 文 不 好 而 胆 怯, 给 对 方 留 下 缺 乏 自 信 的 印 象
企 业 介 绍 手 册 和 产 品 说 明 书 要 尽 可 能 的 简 单 明 了。 企 业 介 绍 手 册 要 做 得 精 美, 语 言 要 用 与 时 代 同 步 的 英 语, 并 尽 可 能 口 语 化, 尽 量 多 用 数 字、 图 表。
计 划 性 和 前 期 资 料 准 备 工 作 非 常 重 要。 和 美 国 人 谈 生 意, 一 切 活 动 都 要 事 先 安 排 好。 谈 判 前 要 有 具 体 的 项 目, 有 一 个 很 具 体 的 目 标。 资 料 准 备 工 作 越 细 越 好。 如 果 没 有 详 细 的 资 料, 想 起 什 么 谈 什 么, 美 国 人 会 觉 得 您 根 本 不 认 真, 是 浪 费 他 们 的 时 间。

Industry or what I still see if any. 10 million as a result of not to be good for English and guts come to the side of the missing spent in India since the letter as Kei industry Kai Chiu-hand books and supplies said that the book should be able to do the Ming Chien Shan. Kei industry Kai Chiu hand copies to be refined to the U.S., speaking on behalf of the same statement, and to use the English - and may be able to make words of mouth, to make use of a few words, the map table. Of the former period of service is expected and the potential for a non-regular heavy to. And the American people about hygiene Italy, a live animal is the first thing is to be ranked well. Tan was the first to have a body of eye, one is a body with the eye. Liu associate for the service for more detailed the better. If there is no detailed breakdown of the fruit-expected, even what to play even? Tan, American people will feel you may not recognize the real root is the wave of charges he was among. M Lele 10:46:00 Many Chinese enterprises are recognized as industry-Lee Cheng English degree is the flow-volume American people he had to be under the Heavily. Its real, and this point of view is wrong wrong. In the United States that a large melt furnace plant communities, the American people have the habit of listening to all kinds of tactics the kind of English that he was absolutely not to be because you do not associate with the English on your stand with the industry or what I still see. 10 million as a result of not to be good for English and guts come to the side of the missing spent in India since the letter as Kei industry Kai Chiu-hand books and supplies said that the book should be able to do the Ming Chien Shan. Kei industry Kai Chiu hand copies to be refined to the U.S., speaking on behalf of the same statement, and to use the English - and may be able to make words of mouth, to make use of a few words, the map table. Of the former period of service is expected and the potential for a non-regular heavy to. And the American people about hygiene Italy, a live animal is the first thing is to be ranked well. Tan was the first to have a body of eye, one is a body with the eye. Liu associate for the service for more detailed the better. If there is no detailed breakdown of the fruit-expected, even what to play even? Tan, American people will feel you may not recognize the real root is the wave of charges he was among.

Industry or what I still see if any. 10 million as a result of not to be good for English and guts come to the side of the missing spent in India since the letter as Kei industry Kai Chiu-hand books and supplies said that the book should be able to do the Ming Chien Shan. Kei industry Kai Chiu hand copies to be refined to the U.S., speaking on behalf of the same statement, and to use the English - and may be able to make words of mouth, to make use of a few words, the map table. Of the former period of service is expected and the potential for a non-regular heavy to. And the American people about hygiene Italy, a live animal is the first thing is to be ranked well. Tan was the first to have a body of eye, one is a body with the eye. Liu associate for the service for more detailed the better. If there is no detailed breakdown of the fruit-expected, even what to play even? Tan, American people will feel you may not recognize the real root is the wave of charges he was among. M Lele 10:46:00 Many Chinese enterprises are recognized as industry-Lee Cheng English degree is the flow-volume American people he had to be under the Heavily. Its real, and this point of view is wrong wrong. In the United States that a large melt furnace plant communities, the American people have the habit of listening to all kinds of tactics the kind of English that he was absolutely not to be because you do not associate with the English on your stand with the industry or what I still see. 10 million as a result of not to be good for English and guts come to the side of the missing spent in India since the letter as Kei industry Kai Chiu-hand books and supplies said that the book should be able to do the Ming Chien Shan. Kei industry Kai Chiu hand copies to be refined to the U.S., speaking on behalf of the same statement, and to use the English - and may be able to make words of mouth, to make use of a few words, the map table. Of the former period of service is expected and the potential for a non-regular heavy to. And the American people about hygiene Italy, a live animal is the first thing is to be ranked well. Tan was the first to have a body of eye, one is a body with the eye. Liu associate for the service for more detailed the better. If there is no detailed breakdown of the fruit-expected, even what to play even? Tan, American people will feel you may not recognize the real root is the wave of charges he was among.

Many Chinese businessmen took for granted that they were judged by the American just according to their fluent English. As a matter of fact, it's wrong. You needd't worry about too much about your poor English that may caused to some impression of chichken heart and less confidence, because the American is used to listen every style of English well and clearly since they are always in a big furnace of race.

The brief introduction and catalogue shoula be as intelligible and simple as possible. The introduction handbook should be delicatedly down, with the up-to-date English, as people are talking mostly, using figure and chart as much as possible.

It's very important to plan and prepare before you do it. Everything should be down before you make a discusstion with American, for instance, detailed item, a very detailed item. And you'd better prepare files in detail as you can. The American will think you are not serious and wasting their time if you were talking about everything you thought about and without any detailed information.