
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 17:59:17

He said with a smile-
far west from our continent.. so it is the edge of ocean.
people say that the area called " great vortex of Carman " exists there.
great vortex has been swallowing all westbound ships.
Why does the vortex exists there? what does exist beyond the vortex?
if you are an adventurer, it would awaken your interest
now let's go see " great vortex of carman " shall we?
在我们大陆的西方, 也是海洋的尽头
人们说那个地方叫做“大Carman 旋流“
这个旋流吞噬了所有 向西航行的船只
为什么这个旋流存在? 这个旋流后面有时什么呢?
如果你是个探险者, 这会唤醒你的兴趣
我们现在就去看一下“大Carman 旋流“ 好吗?