
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 05:58:05
AA Guide to Implementing a World-Class Cycle Counting Program
By Jeff Rose, Principal

The implementation of comprehensive cycle counting solutions can result in operational efficiency gains of anywhere from 5 to 10 percent. The opportunity to increase sales through improved service levels while potentially reducing inventory levels in the DC is a real benefit, making cycle counting an appealing best practice.
It is more costly to address inventory discrepancies after they have had a negative impact on the operation than it is to resolve them proactively avoiding disruptions in the normal flow of processing. The ultimate goal of a cycle counting program is to achieve an absolute bin (location) level inventory accuracy of 97 percent or greater, eliminate the need to do wall-to-wall physical inventories, and to achieve this with the most efficient use of resources possible.
In order to achieve the goals stated above, a cycle counting program has to deliver the following results:
• Uncover the root causes of inventory discrepancies and by taking timely corrective action eliminate (or reduce) future inventory discrepancies.
• Increase distribution center (DC) labor efficiency, improve product flow and improve customer service by enabling the identification of and correction of inventory discrepancies prior to them impacting normal DC operations.
• Meet the requirements of the accounting department and external auditors for procedural controls, count frequency, and inventory accuracy levels that will allow for the elimination of wall-to-wall physical inventories.
• Provide the appropriate tools, processes and procedures needed to optimize the deployment of inventory control resources, maximize cycle counting efficiency and enable Inventory Control (IC) to swiftly identify and resolve the root causes of inventory discrepancies.
• Educate the entire distribution team (top to bottom) of the importance of having accurate bin level inventory numbers and the importance of successfully implementing and executing the cycle counting program.
• Provide the means to track and report compliance and performance against a set of predefined key metrics, and hold individuals accountable for achieving and maintaining targeted inventory accuracy levels.
• Allow for reductions in safety stock levels as a result of improved accuracy and improved service levels.

AA 指南对于实施世界类周期盘点节目
由杰夫・罗斯, 主要
全面周期盘点解答的实施可能导致从任何地方5 到百分之10 操作的效率获取。 机会增加销售通过改善的服务水准当潜在地减少库存层在DC 是一个真正的好处, 做周期盘点吸引人的最佳的实践。
它是更加昂贵的演讲存货差误在他们比它将解决他们前摄避免中断在正常流量处理有对操作之后的负面地影响。 周期盘点节目的最终目标是达到百分之97 绝对容器(地点) 平实存货准确性或更加伟大, 消灭需要做墙壁对墙壁实际盘存, 并且达到这以对资源的最高效率的用途可能。
为了达到目标以上所述, 周期盘点节目必须实现以下结果:
? 揭露存货差误的起因并且由采取实时性惩治行为消灭(或减少) 未来存货差误。
? 增加分配中心(DC) 辛苦效率, 改进产品流程和改进顾客服务经过使能存货差误的证明和更正在他们之前冲击的正常DC 操作。
? 符合会计科和外部审计员的要求的程序控制, 计数频率, 并且存货将考虑到墙壁对墙壁实际盘存的排除的准确性水平。
? 提供适当的工具, 过程和规程需要优选存货控制资源的部署, 最大化周期盘点效率和使存货控制(IC) 辨认和快速地解决存货差误的起因。
? 教育整个发行队(上面基于) 重要的有准确容器水平存货数字和实施和成功地执行周期盘点节目的重要性。
? 提供手段跟踪和报告服从和表现反对一套被预定义的关键度规, 并且举行个体对达到和维护被瞄准的存货准确性水平负有责任。


全面实施周期计算方法,使工作效率提高5至10%的地方. 增加销售机会,通过提高服务水平,同时降低库存量的潜在区是实惠,从而吸引了数周期最佳实践. 这是处理存货成本差异才造成负面影响的行动而不是主动去解决,避免影响正常的流通加工. 最终目标是建立一个计算周期计划是实现绝对bin(地点)库存水平准确97%以上,不需要做墙-墙进行实地盘点,并为实现这一最有效利用资源的可能. 为了实现上述目标,有计划周期计算得出结果如下: -发现根源库存及时发现并采取纠正措施,消除(或减少)未来库存差异. -增加分销中心(DC)的劳动效率,改善客户服务,提高产品的流通,使查验发现和纠正以前他们到存货区正常运作. -适应外部审计和会计部门的控制程序,频率计、准确性和库存水平,以便消除墙-墙实地盘点. -提供适当的工具、过程和程序,以充分调配资源,控制库存,最大限度地提高效率和计算周期,使库存控制(IC)迅速查明并解决根源库存差异. -教育整个团队分配(由上而下),必须有正确的库存数量和水平bin重要的顺利实施和执行计划周期计算. -提供一种手段,以追踪和打击报告遵守和执行一套好的关键制、追究对象为实现和维护准确库存水平. -让安全库存量减少,由于提高准确性和提高服务水平