
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/10 22:06:29
Thus, marketing played a huge role as a change driver as UBS shifted to a single, corporate brand strategy, from communicating the rationale and its value internally, to helping train employees in understanding their role and expected behaviors in upholding the brand promise, to equipping them with messages that supported UBS’s mission and vision.


因此, 销售扮演了如一个变化驾驶者的一个极大的角色如被把到单一 , 公司的商标策略 , 从沟通原理和它的价值在内部 , 移到的瑞士联合银行帮助在维持商标诺言方面了解他们的角色和预期的行为方面训练职员, 到用支援了瑞士联合银行的任务和视觉的信息装备他们.