
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 16:51:09
Expanded Connectivity

MIDP 2.0 adds support for leading connectivity standards beyond HTTP, such as HTTPS, datagram, sockets, server sockets, and serial port communication. This expanded connectivity provides a simple, standard way to integrate with existing software infrastructure that is familiar to Java developers.

Push Architechture

With Release 2.0, MIDP now includes a server push model whereby MIDlets can be registered to be activated when a device receives information from a server. Application settings, which are a combination of default phone settings and end user settings, determine whether to prompt the user, start the MIDlet without prompting, or not start the MIDlet during the use of another MIDlet. The MIDP push architecture enables developers to leverage the event-driven capabilities of devices and carrier networks, and easily include alerts, messaging and broadcasts using a standard approach in MIDP applications.

Over-the-air (OTA) Provisioning

A major new feature of MIDP is its ability to dynamically deploy and update applications over-the-air (OTA). OTA provisioning, previously supported only as a recommended practice, is now required as part of the MIDP 2.0 specification. The MIDP specification defines how MIDlet suites are discovered, installed, updated and removed on mobile information devices. MIDP also enables a service provider to identify which MIDlet suites will work on a given device, and obtain status reports from the device following installation, updates or removal.

The MIDP OTA provisioning model ensures a single, standard approach to MIDP application deployment that works across the broad range of mobile devices. The MIDP OTA provisioning model has been defined and adopted by leading device manufacturers and service providers to deliver a reliable, secure provisioning solution.

End-to-end Security

MIDP 2.0 adds a robust end-to-end security model, built on open standards, that protects the network, applications and mobile information devices. MIDP 2.0 supports HTTPS and leverages existing standards such as SSL and WTLS to enable the transmission of encrypted data. In MIDP 2.0, security domains protect against unauthorized access of data, applications and other network and device resources by MIDlet suites on the device. By default MIDlet suites are not trusted, and are assigned to untrusted domains that prevent access to any privileged functionality. To gain privileged access, a MIDlet suite must be assigned to specific domains that are defined on the mobile device, and must be properly signed using the X.509 PKI security standard. In order for a signed MIDlet suite to be downloaded, installed and granted associated permissions, it must be successfully authenticated.


MIDP 2.0 例如 HTTPS , datagram ,插座为领先连接性标准超过 HTTP 增加支持伺候器插座,而且序列移植沟通。这扩大连接性提供一个简单的,标准的方法用 对爪哇开发者是熟悉的已存在的软件系统内各部分整合。

推动 Architechture

藉由释放 2.0 ,当一个装置接受来自一个伺候器的数据时候 , MIDP 现在包括一个伺候器推模型 MIDlets 能那里被注册被刺激。 申请设定, 是内定的电话设定和使用者设定的一个组合, 决定是否激励使用者,开始没有刺激的 MIDlet,在另外的 MIDlet 的使用期间开始 MIDlet。MIDP 推建筑学对杠杆作用装置和?

MIDP2.0支持率也超过标准HTTP连接,如HTTPS、Datagram、插座、插座机、通讯系列港口. 这提供了一种简单的扩展连接,使现有软件的标准方法基础,熟悉开发爪哇.
与释放2.0,MIDP目前包括一台服务器,把示范midlets可登记启动装置接收信息服务器. 应用场合