
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/03 02:33:33
楼下的朋友能否说的详细些,我现在正在准备毕业论文,以前没有接触过matlab 可否给个实例,或者完整语句?谢谢!我可以追加你的积分


如要将变量a 存成到当前目录下的b.txt文件,可用:save 'b.txt' a -ascii。还有其它参数可参考matlab 的帮助。

SAVE Save workspace variables to disk.
SAVE FILENAME saves all workspace variables to the binary "MAT-file"
named FILENAME.mat. The data may be retrieved with LOAD. If FILENAME
has no extension, .mat is assumed.

SAVE, by itself, creates the binary "MAT-file" named 'matlab.mat'. It is
an error if 'matlab.mat' is not writable.

SAVE FILENAME X saves only X.
SAVE FILENAME X Y Z saves X, Y, and Z. The wildcard '*' can be used to
save only those variables that match a pattern.

ASCII Options:
SAVE ... -ASCII uses 8-digit ASCII form instead of binary regardless
of file extension.
SAVE ... -ASCII -DOUBLE uses 16-digit ASCII form.
SAVE ... -ASCII -TABS delimits with tabs.
SAVE ... -ASCII -DOUBLE -TABS 16-digit, tab delimited.

MAT Options:
SAVE ... -MAT saves in MAT format regardless of extension.
SAVE ... -V4 saves a MAT-file that MATLAB 4 can LOAD.
SAVE ... -APPEND adds the variables to an existing file (MAT-file only).

When using the -V4 option, variables that incompatible with MATLAB 4 are
not saved to the MAT-file. For example, ND arrays, structs, cells, etc.
cannot be saved to a MATLAB 4 MAT-file. Also, variables with names that
are longer than 19 characters cannot be saved to a MATLAB 4 MAT-file.

Use the functional form of SAVE, such as SAVE('filename','var1','var2'),
when the filename or variable names are stored in strings.


Write contents of MATLAB matrix in Excel worksheet SyntaxWorksheet:MLGetMatrix(var_name, edat)Macro:MLGetMatrix var_name, edatvar_nameName of MATLAB matrix to access. "var_name" (in quotes) directly specifies the matrix name. var_name (without quotes) is an indirect reference: the function evaluates the contents of var_name to get the matrix name, and var_name must be a worksheet cell address or range name.edatWorksheet location where the function writes the contents of var_name. "edat" (in quotes) directly specifies the location and it must be a cell address or a range name. edat (without quotes) is an indirect reference: the function evaluates the contents of edat to get the location, and edat must be a worksheet cell address or range name.
MLGetMatrix("bonds", "Sheet2!C10")
writes the contents of the MATLAB matrix bonds starting in cell C10 of Sheet2. If bonds is a 4-by-3 matrix, data fills cells C10..E13.