
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/04 01:30:46

The French are famous for their romantic touch, and the French cuisine has earned its fame for being exquisite and elegant. However, recent surveys have indicated an increasing dissatisfaction with the quality of food and the high prices. Moreover, the decline of the French cooking does not just end here; it's a big problem in France.Cuisine tourism has brought 18 billion euroes to France, constituting 25% of the total revenue in the tourism industry. More and more restaurant owners are finding government taxes and evonomic policies a hindrance to making profits, as well as in their investments and ability to employ more hands.

The reasons for the decline of the French cuisine is also responsible for that of the recessive French economy. Similar to the French cuisine, the French economy often surprises us: last week the French Gvernment announced that its economy will grow at a rate higher than the projected estimate in 2004. However, bureaucy, taxation and the general mindset of complacency are persistent baggages, which are difficult to get rid of. The gourmet Lay Brown commented:"Whether it's at the political , social, cultural or biological level, cuisine is always our first choice as a whole French society."

(Sorry, i couldn't pin down the exact words he said, maybe you wanna google it and see if you can get it in any news report, not sure abt his name, sorry for that!)

French are known for its romaticism all over the world,and the French dinner is also known for its fine and smooth tastes. But from the rencently survey we knew that more and more people felt French meals taste so so but the price are so high,and it was not the single reason to make French cuisine go downhill.However it was not a small problem in France,we should know that the French government earn favourable balance in foreign exchange through the tourism of delicious food is about 18 billion .