
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 14:56:40
We can learn a good deal about the nature of business by comparing it with poker. While both have a large element of chance, in the long run the winner is the man who plays with steady skill. In both games ultimate victory requires intimate knowledge of the rules, insight into the psychology of the other players, a bold front, a considerable amount of self-discipline, and the ability to respond swiftly and effectively to opportunities provided by chance.
Not one expects poker to be played on the ethical principles preached in churches. In poker it is right and proper to bluff a friend out of the rewards of being dealt a good hand. A player feels no more than a slight twinge of sympathy, if that, when-with nothing better than single ace in his hand –he strips a heavy loser, who holds a pair, of the rest of the chips, It was up to the other fellow to protect himself. In the words of an excellent poker player, former President Harry Truman, “If you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen.” If one shows mercy to a loser in poker, it is a personal gesture, divorced from the rules of the game.
Poke has its special ethics, and here I am not referring to rules against cheating. The man who keeps an ace up his sleeve or who marks the cards is more than unethical he is a crook, and can be punished as such-kicked out of the game or, in the Old West, shot.
In contrast to the cheat, the unethical poker player is one who, while abiding by the letter of the rules, finds ways to put the other players at an unfair disadvantage. Perhaps he unnerves them with loud talk. Or he tries to get them drunk.. Or he plays in cahoots with someone else at the table. Ethical poker players frown on such tactics.
Poker’s own brand of ethics is different from the ethical ideals of civilized human relationships. The game calls for distrust of the other fellow. It ignores the claim of friendship. Cunning deception and concealment of one’s strength and intentions, not kindness and openheartedness, are vital in poker. No one thinks any the worse of poker on that account. And no one should think any the worse of poker on that account. And no one should think any the worse of the game of business because its standards of right and wrong differ from the prevailing traditions of morality in our society. That most businessman are not indifferent to ethics in their private lives, everyone will agree. My points is that in their office lives they cease to be private citizens; they become game players who must be guided by somewhat different set if ethical standards.

我们学习了很多商业性的比较与扑克. 而这两个因素有很大的机会,从长远来看,在男子比赛中发挥稳定的技术. 在比赛最后的胜利,需要熟悉规则,了解其他心理学者、大胆方面,大量自律、快速反应能力和有效提供的机会机会. 没有人指望扑克起鼓吹道德原则的教堂. 扑克,是正确的和适当的奖励,虚张声势的朋友是一个很好的解决之手. 球员感到不超过稍有顾虑的同情,如果是,当--不如单好手于一身,他签了沉重的损失,他认为一双,其余的芯片,它是由其他兄弟保护自己. 在扑克选手良好的话,前总统哈里杜鲁门:"如果你度的高温立场,避开厨房. "如果我们输了,显示慈悲扑克,这是个人的姿态,游离于游戏规则. 杵有其特殊的道德,在此我不是指打击骗取规则. 一位好手抱了他和他的衣袖是卡比,他是不道德的人们,可以这样惩罚--赶出比赛,或在老西开. 相反的欺骗,是不道德的扑克选手,他们在信中遵守规则,把找到其他球员处于不公平地位. 他推测,也许他们大声说话. 或者他试图让他们喝. . 或与他人勾结打在桌面上. 扑克伦理等方面愁眉苦脸战术. 扑克自己的品牌,不同于伦理道德理想、文明的人际关系. 比赛要求的其他同伴不信任. 它无视人的友谊. 狡猾的欺骗和隐瞒自己的实力和意图,不能友善,openheartedness,关键在见不到任何愠色. 没有人认为任何坏的扑克该帐户. 没有任何人应该对坏的扑克帐户. 任何人都不应认为,任何坏的游戏,因为它的业务标准是非不同于当时社会上的道德传统. 大多数商人无视道德,不私,大家都会同意. 我想说的是,在他们的办公室,不再是普通公民的生活. 他们成为游戏者必须遵循的道德标准有所不同,如果定.