
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 17:01:07

general manager

president;general manager;managing director

1.a general manager
2 a managing director

general manager

不同情况 翻译不同
常翻译成general manager ,也有翻译成president的

例'1. My years as general manager of the Ford Division were the happiest period of my life.
2. When a president retires or dies, we hire a new office boy.
3. It was only reasonable that he became the general manager.
4. General manager responsibility
5. The general manager flew out to Thailand to handle the business deal himself
6. This new car is given up to the general manager
7. The report was sent to the general manager as per your instructions.
8. Would you be so kind as to excuse me while I say hello to the president?
9. " What I learned from Loretta was if you wanted to be in this business, it had to be class and dignity at all times," says Norman Brokaw, chairman of William Morris and her agent for 50 years."
威 廉 · 莫 里 斯 代 理 行 总 经 理 同 时 也 是 扬 50年 的 经 纪 人 诺 曼 · 布 洛 克 说 : " 我 从 洛 丽 塔 那 里 学 到 的 一 点 就 是 , 假 如 你 想 要 在 这 一 行 有 所 发 展 , 就 必 须 时 刻 保 持 有 风 度 和 品 位 , 光 彩 照 人 。
10. Col.Lei recognized him as Wang Ho-fu, general manager of the Ta Hsing Coal-mining Company.'