
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 16:00:46
Until recently the lines drawn in this debate were clear. Those arguing that economic fundamentals will again prove relevant tended to be economists, like O'Rear, who were not directly involved in the markets. Those casting fundamentals aside tended to be investors or traders - anyone in search of a "story" - an explanation for why share indexes keep heading upward.
Now things are not so simple. A number of economists - at universities, in leading investment houses, in market research firms, at policy institutes, and even at the U.S. Federal Reserve - are adding intellectual weight to the view in the markets.
They are beginning to argue that long-accepted methods of measuring economic trends - rising global imbalances, falling savings rates, record liquidity flows and the like - must be rethought and possibly replaced to reflect new economic conditions.
Chief among these trends is the continuing increase in the U.S. current account deficit. How much does this mean, these economists ask, given that U.S. assets are more globalized than ever and production abroad often goes uncounted in the bottom line at home?
It means plenty, the traditionalists assert. Even as investment and production are globalized, an obstinate deficit in the accounts of the No. 1 economy remains a potential source of instability. "Six years ago we said profits don't matter," said O'Rear, referring to the prevailing market view at the height of the dot-com bubble. "Now we're invited to say deficits don't."
...All of this, traditional economists say, makes the markets look frighteningly overbought. "This is a bubble, plain and simple," said Andy Xie, chief Asia/Pacific economist at Morgan Stanley. "Every bubble has a theory about itself and every bubble bursts. There's never been an exception."
On the other side of the debate lie two core arguments: Either the globalized economy has made traditional economic measures inaccurate, or if they are still valid, they are no longer relevant.
Either way, those favoring a new look at accepted economic thinking arrive at the same conclusion: There is no cause for concern over those quaint things called structural problems, they say.

直到最近制定的方针是明确的,这场辩论. 这些主张的经济基础将再次证明往往是有关经济学家一样O'Rear,他并不直接参与市场. 除了这些因素往往是决定性的投资者或贸易商的人寻找"故事",解释为什么股票指数不断向上项. 现在事情并不那么简单. 一些经济学家的大学,主要投资公司、市场调查公司,在政策研究所,甚至在美国联邦储备委员会的加智力有份量的意见,在市场上. 他们已开始认为长期接受计量经济方法的趋势,全球增长不平衡,储蓄率下降,资金流动记录等,必须重新考虑,并可能取代以反映新的经济条件. 其中主要的趋势是持续增加美国的经常帐赤字. 是否有多少,这些经济学家提出,由于美国的资产比以往任何时候都更加全球化和生产往往在国外未在底线上? 这意味着大量的传统主张. 即使是投资和生产全球化的一个顽固的帐目赤字头号经济仍然不稳定的一个潜在因素. "6年前,我们说利润并不重要,"说O'Rear谈到市值高峰期的运输,COM泡沫. "现在我们邀请赤字不说" ::所有这一切,传统的经济学家说,这也使市场面貌overbought可怕. "这是一种泡沫,这是简单明了:"王谢说,行政亚洲/太平洋地区经济的摩根斯坦利. "家家有泡沫,每个泡沫论自己用. 有没有例外. " 辩论的另一方是两个核心的论点:一是经济全球化使传统的经济措施不准确,或者是否仍然有效,但已不再适用. 无论如何,那些主张接受新经济思维来看待,在同一个结论:没有理由离奇有趣的事情需要关注的结构性问题,他们说.