
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 16:33:43
1.In many institutions,every student is armed with a personal computer along with an e-mail account,which ensures him full access to the academic (milieu), because each college or university is hooked up and logged on to an international on-line service.
A.scene B.standard C.advantage D.success
2.But that raises concerns for some academicians, mostly from the vintage (school), who maintain there's a distinction between information and knowledge, and believe that the latter still requires a live teacher.
A.prime B.liberal arts C.grant-in-aid D.academic
3.The wizardry of supercomputers is no cause for pride so long as the human intellects that direct it remain (mired )in the stone age.
A.intact B.oblique C.unexplored D.antiquated
4.Hemingway's fiction usually focuses on people living tough, dangerous lives--soldiers, fishermen, athletes, bullfighters-who meet the pain and difficulty of their existence with (stoic )courage.

A.staunch and unfailing B.admirable and impressive
C.rare and inspiring D.disciplined and enduring

4.选D.disciplined and enduring有纪律的,忍耐的

1.因为每个学院或大学被钩住,所以在许多机构中,每位学生连同一个电子邮件帐户一起与一部个人计算机一起武装, 确定他完全接触大学生 (环境) 在而且上面登录到一个国际的在线服务。
A.scene B.standard C.advantage D.success
2.但是举起为一些学会会员有关, 大概从制造年期 (学校), 维持有一种区别在数据和知识之间, 而且相信后者仍然需要一位活的老师。
C.grant- 在- 帮助的 D.academic 的 A.prime B.liberal 艺术
3.超级计算机的巫术对于自傲不是因素如此的长同样地人类的智力以致于直接的它保持 ( 使 )陷于泥泞在石器时代中。
A.intact B.oblique C.unexplored D.antiquated
4. Hemingway's 小说通常把重心集中在住恶棍的人,危险的生命--军人,渔夫,运动员,bullfighters-谁用勇气遇见痛苦和他们的存在困难。

A.staunch 和无穷尽 B.admirable 和令人印象深刻的
C.rare 而且激发 D.disciplined 和持久的