
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/07 00:10:26


1.I did not mean it.
2.He is taking abuse from his stepmother all the time.
3.There was a firetruck just passed by, do you see any fire anywhere?
4.He was so exhausted that he fainted at work.
5.These stuff can only feed me for two meals.
6.Take there herbs, you will be well soon.
7.He is so annoyed.


1.我不是故意的。 I indeliberate.
2.他一直受后母的虐待,一直这样。He at all times bear secondly mater disservice,at all times in this way.
3.救火车刚过去,是不是哪着火了??fire truck just past,is it where catch fire?
4.他累的荤过去了。 he tire so that sleep.
5.这点东西只够我吃两顿的! this a litter thing only enough me eat twain arrange food.
6.吃了这些汤药,你很快会好的! eat these remedy,you wil be finer!
7.他真够烦的。(令人烦) he be annoyed.

1.I don't mean to do something \I was not supposed to do something
2.He was always be ill-treated by his stepmother, so it was .
3.the fire engine has passed just mow,is there any place on fire ?
4.He was so tired that he lost consciousness.
5.These food is just for my two meals.
6.You will feel better soon after you take these medicine.
7.He is so boring.

1.我不是故意的。 I indeliberate.
2.他一直受后母的虐待,一直这样。He at all times bear secondly mater disservice,at all times in this way.
3.救火车刚过去,是不是哪着火了??fire truck just past,is it where catch fire?
4.他累的荤过去了。 he tire so that sleep.

1.I didn't mean to.
2.He was, and had always been tortured by his stepmother.
3.A fire engine just passed by. Someplace caught on fire?
4.He fell in a faint because of tiredness.
5.These could serve me for two meals.
6.Having taken these herbal decoctions, you will soon get well.
7.He is really annoying.

I don't mean to do sth./I am not on purpose.
he is always being ill-treated by his stepmother.
the fire engine passed just mow,is there any place on fire ?
he fainted for tireness.