
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/08 22:23:51

First, the psychological analysis of one individual tourism, tourists autonomous awareness. In the social stability and economic base with a premise of tourists choosing travel destinations and tourism means more emphasis on the autonomy of the individual consciousness, and with the development of the information industry, there is greater accessibility to all kinds of tourism knowledge. The accumulation of knowledge and rich experience of travel for people to travel agents and travel intermediaries dependence has waned, people go on a trip to the growing sense of autonomy to enhance awareness and participation, more and more people prefer group travel or family to go on a trip, independently chosen destination, visited tourist attractions and other activities. Secondly, the increase of tourists psychological maturity. Psychological maturity manifested in a greater choice and independence, immature performance for the greater blindness and dependence. Tourists as a career in itself plays a role in society is very mature, but the social role as tourists may not mature. But in the 100 years of tourism development process, numerous tourist train a large number of mature practice tourists, manifested in : from wild and scared to experience and confidence;
From the need to join tours often prefer to be "tourists";
From the limelight to buy standardized products to buy even tourism "customized" personalized tourist products; from the well-known tourist destination in admiration of somebody's fame to some of their own to find the "attractions";
From hastily, involved a "gallop on horseback watch bands," parade, selected 12 places to be the "sole see figure" stay-tourism;
Third, raise the level of tourist demand. Modern tourists have to spend time and money went to a different daily life, and seek compensation for the free from the stress of daily life as a result of workouts to contact some of the things in daily life can not reach, but do not want to do some daily life conditions do. In tourists, the increase in the number of middle-aged, a significant number of them are character bold, adventurous, with the obvious personal love for travel and tourism destinatiFlaum psychologists in the "avoid self," wrote : "Perhaps we have noted that perhaps we have not taken note : most of the world so that we feel ashamed of our own performance is not;
ons, to be restricted and constrained. They seek to express themselves, highlighting their own, enrich, and improve their opportunities. Masiluo level in accordance with the needs of the theory, and individual needs from low to high into physiological needs, the need for security, attribution needs, respect for the needs and the needs of the five levels of self-realization, in a low-level meet the needs arising from the premise of a high-level needs. In modern tourism, tourists have met physical needs, the need for security, attribution needs, the need to respect and meet the needs of the search for self-fulfilment meet. This demand level upgrade, the rapid development of tourism to travel. Fourth, tourists consumption personality components increased. The rapid development of the tourism market, in which the concept of tourism consumers undergoing changes, and psychological changes brought about by the changes in perceptions and tourism behaviour change. Tourists not to travel as a money buying access and viewing experience, but also bring tourism as a money to buy the operation and performance experience. Single patterns team forms of tourism attraction for tourists declined, and more and more evident that tourism consumers increasingly tend to choose to reflect their quality of life, personality traits, let themselves from passive change initiative, which promotes active participation in tourism. Fifth, economic expenditures tourists psychological capabilities. The emergence of travel agents is to provide low prices to tourists, quality services, thus popular. Now travel agencies through bulk purchases, valuation strong counter-offer strength in the cost of transport, accommodation, catering and node tickets obtain discounts, thus reducing travel spending tourists. This price than individual self-help tourists travel costs significantly lower, and therefore in travel tourism has been the main tourist organizations. However, as the economy improved level, the strengthening of the purchasing power of people, the psychological ability to enhance economic expenditure, the level of concern for the price decline of the tourism experience more seriously. Self-guided tour itinerary flexible, shopping flexible and can meet the psychological needs of tourists, it promotes rapid development of tourism.