淘宝网信用怎么刷:求助 英语高手进 翻译

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 10:11:24
3. An Upper Ontology for Services
Our structuring of the ontology of services is motivated by the need to provide three essential types of knowledge about a service (shown in Figure 1), each characterized by the question it answers:
• What does the service provide for prospective clients? The answer to this question is given in the "profile2," which is used to advertise the service. To capture this perspective, each instance of the class Service presents a ServiceProfile.
• How is it used? The answer to this question is given in the "process model." This perspective is captured by the ServiceModel class. Instances of the class Service use the property describedBy to refer to the service's ServiceModel.
• How does one interact with it? The answer to this question is given in the "grounding." A grounding provides the needed details about transport protocols. Instances of the class Service have a supports property referring to a ServiceGrounding.
The class Service provides an organizational point of reference for a declared Web service; one instance of Service will exist for each distinct published service. The properties presents, describedBy, and supports are properties of Service. The classes ServiceProfile, ServiceModel, and ServiceGrounding are the respective ranges of those properties. Each instance of Service will present a ServiceProfile description, be describedBy a ServiceModel description, and support a ServiceGrounding description. The details of profiles, models, and groundings may vary widely from one type of service to another--that is, from one instance of Service to another. But each of these three service perspectives provides an essential type of information about the service, as we explain below.
Generally speaking, the ServiceProfile provides the information needed for an agent to discover a service, while the ServiceModel and ServiceGrounding, taken together, provide enough information for an agent to make use of a service, once found.
