我为许仙:求 英汉口译实践 word版下载?

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 17:13:49


(1)This is supposed to be… 这应该是

But it is by no means over 却远未终结

Be regarded as被视为

Be borne out by facts 以事实为准, 有事实为根据

Let’s consider the matter of driving, for instance我们现以驾车为例

We must remember that….我们不可忘记..

Bearing and rearing children 生儿育女

Any job you care to name 任何一种你能叫得出名字的职业

In addition to + doing

Conscientious 谨慎的, 尽责的

Succeed brilliantly 辉煌成就(此处译成动词)

In hospital 住院

(2)Without meaning to 他们并非故意要这样做

On the whole, they tend to be informal 总的说来, 他们往往不拘礼节

Tend to倾向于

Educated yourself 好好学学吧

In many cases 在许多情况下..

Spontaneous 自然的, 主动的

Come up走上前

Make a point of 重视, 把..作为准则

(3)Physical characteristics 环境特征(本文)

It is true that 不错….


As well as和

Formerly 昔日

Be accustomed to习惯于, 适应了

Become accustomed to

A coastline several thousand miles long长达数千英里的海岸线

In modern times时至今日

Doing much of the work which…

(4)A square peg in a round hole 学非所用

Aptitude test天份测试



Specialist 专家?

For one reason or another 由于各种各样的原因

Someone we know 某个熟人

Certainly 一定

We can do this through…我们可以通过..来达到上述目的

(5)Cover a check支付支票

Can be canceled挂失

Be widely accepted 被广泛认可

Then give you a copy将其中一联交给你


Insured against loss (登记过)丢失保险

The credit company sends you a bill once a month that shows the purchases you made and any balance left to pay from the month before.(从句的译法)

信用卡公司按月寄帐单给你, 帐单上写明你的购物用款以及上个月的未付款余额

If you write a personal check and it bounces. 如果你开出的私人支票因透支而被视为无效

Unusually you have thirty days to pay before they charge you interest (分离性状语译成句子,反译, 增译)

在通常情况下, 你可以在30天之内向信用卡公司交纳欠款, 国企为交纳欠款者得付利息。

(6)Consume vast quantities of creative work吞噬创造才华

Pre-literate community文盲部落

Difficult to occupy our spare time难以打发

Gulp down our meals扒下饭

Sit at table围桌而坐



Glued at 如漆似胶

Totally irrelevant 毫不相干

Little by little 逐渐地

Primitive原始的, 远古的

Far away from civilization远离现代文明 (增译-译清)

(7)A very frightening though 不寒而栗

Health check 检查身体

Entire stay 逗留期间

In case of an emergency以防万一

Fill a prescription 配药, 发药

Nasal decongestant 鼻通药

Sore throat tablet咽喉药


Nausea 恶心

Diarrhea 腹泻

Cough syrup 咳嗽糖浆

Office calls/emergency room treatment/hospital stays 门诊,急诊,住院


Vote against 反对

Equip 具备

Can only be in for a shock感到无所适从

A true version of society in miniature 微型的真实世界

What nonsense无稽之谈

Vice versa 反之亦然

Sharp focus 尤为突出

Provide the right conditions 提供温床

Practical 现实意义(词性转译)

Great pursuit of…热衷的

Attitude of life 人生观


Boys don’t grow up believing that women are mysterious creatures-airy goddesses, more like book-illustrations to a fairy tale, than humanbeing. (灵活译法)

男生在成长的过程中视女性为凡人, 而不是神秘的人物, 天上的仙女或童话插图中的女神

Nothing less than 完全/不亚于/无非是/正是

The awkward stage of adolescence brings into sharp focus some of the physical and emotional problems involved in growing up. 青春期这段令人尴尬的阶段是孩子成长过程中出现的一些生理问题和情感问题变得有为突出。

They are fully prepared to enter society as well-adjusted adult.他们已是调整到位的成年人, 为进入社会做好了一切准备。

(9)Surly staff to tip 付小费给怪戾的服务员

Ludicrously 令人难以置信的(本文)/滑稽的, 可笑的

Conversely 反之

Chops sizzling in the pan肉排在平底锅中吱吱作响

Great pursuit of holiday spending 所热衷的度假方式

Has so much to offer (活译)根据上下文, 此处译为“优点颇多”

Hot and cold running water冷热自来水

You can simply get up and look for a new location (译法)立刻开拔, 另觅新址


(10)To meet the general requirement for admission to the graduate school of this university, international student applicants must have….(注意这种结构的译法) 外国入学申请者欲达….

To be considered official, these documents must bear the official seal of the issuing college university 所谓的正式文本是指…

Bear the official seal of the issuing college or university (译清)(这些)文件必须盖有成绩单签发院校的正式印章。

Be admitted to the university 所录取

(11)Commercial exploitation 商业剥削

Squander 浪费

Discard 淘汰/replace

Shudder 不寒而栗 (at)


Decree 法规

Dictatorial 专横跋扈性


Dainty shoes轻巧的皮鞋

Fickleness 易变性;浮躁

Be bullied by 任意摆布


Nothing more than 不过是

They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up woth any amount of discomfort, providing they look right.(注意译法)

他们只对服饰的外表感兴趣, 他们知道只要外表合适, 女性可以忍受任何程度的不适, 对于妇女的这种心理, 他们充分利用之。

(12)Vicious 恶的, 堕落的, 恶意的

Pulp果肉, 纸浆

Burst into flames 撞烂起火

Sheer hypocrisy 纯粹是

Exquisite pleasure极度愉悦

Prolonged torture持久恶战(本文)

Let us not deceive ourselves 我们不要再欺骗自己了

Degrade 堕落

Unmoved 无动于衷

Pay vast sums of mo手掷千金ney


(13)Credit hour 学分可是

In lieu of teaching辅教工作


In good standing 学习成绩保持良好

(14)Be immunized from….具有了免疫能力

Fatal illness绝症

Stubborn remaining diseases尚未攻克的顽疾

Man versus the motor-car这是一场人与车的较量

Mutilate 残疾, 毁伤

We are quietly sitting back and letting it happen.我们却在袖手旁观;任其发展

It has been rightly said 有人说得对

Steering wheel 方向盘

There is no doubt毫无疑问

X Smiles so benignly on X 笑脸相迎, 悦目以待

Condone his behavior对其行为网开一面

Everything is done for convenience 一切只图方便

To be conveniently forgotten 不久便为人所以往

It is high time 虚拟, 是..的时候了

Marvelous ?

Desecrated亵渎, 污辱

People who are normally quiet and pleasant may become unrecognizable when they are behind a steering-wheel. (活译)

平时温文儒雅之士, 一旦就坐于方向盘后, 可能会判若两人

(15)Marvel at惊叹, 对…感到惊讶

It really is extra ordinary 不同寻常的是

Pious虔诚的, 尽责的

They more often do the exact opposite 其结果往往相反


True ability and aptitude 真实才能(译法)

Anything but 决不(包括)

Second to none 首屈一指的

Little things like that don’t count这些琐事无关紧要

Mortal terror极度恐慌


Subjective assessment主观判断

Not free from making mistakes难免出错

Embark on 开始, 从事, 着手

(16)Devoid of 全无的, 缺乏的

Human beings oppose each other on a great many issue人类在许多问题上势不两立

Human relations maybe plagued by ideological 人际关系可能盖有意识形态的烙印

Sense of humor 幽默感

Universal appeal 普遍的吸引力

Laughter may be anything from a refined tinkle to earth quaking roar 有人莞尔而笑, 有人纵声大小


(17)Materialistic society物质至上的社会



Brain drain人才外流


Fringe benefits优惠的福利条件(本文)

While Mammon is worshipped as never before前所未有的拜金主义(使得)

(18)Bound periodical装订成册的期刊杂志

Subscription 订购期刊

Media holding印象资料

Locked carrel上锁


Shelved in closed stacks收藏在封闭区域

Circulation desk图书借阅处

(19)Official launch揭牌典礼


Business dealing运作

Quality rating质量

Price verse performance ration 性价比

(20)Competition is growing in intensity竞争越来越激烈

Merchandising 促销

This form of realignment

Optimizing production processes

Breathing company

Commit to

To offer them high-quality motor vehicles at acceptable prices

In the years to come, a succession of new models will justify this claim

A highly motivated and committed workforce

(21)On behalf of谨代表




Pay tribute to赞颂

Conclusion (of a agreement) (达成)合作协议

Warm reception 热情的款待

May I have the honor to ask all of you present here to join me in raising your glasses.我在此敬请各位与我一起举杯

(23)There can be no question 毫无疑问

Initiative 主动性

We know perfectly well 我们非常清楚

No large body of leaders 大部分领导人都不..



Vast monopoly大垄断


Sunken to降到?



Still lives?

Not reason but force, not logic but threat 不是理性而是武力, 不适逻辑而是威胁

We have practiced with regard to American Blacks我们正是以这种态度来对待美国黑人问题

Today our rightful intelligentsia is curiously dumb.今天主持公道的知识界奇怪地保持沉默

(24)Products have a novel appeal, though the workmanship is not so desirable.产品的外观有新意, 尽管工艺尚不尽如人意。 Anymore不过

Quotations on a C.I.F basis valid for 15 days to Vancouver 一个有效期为15天, 目的港为温哥华的到岸价

I’m a serious buyer, and a bulk buyer, too.我是一个诚意的买主, 同时也是一个大买主

(25)In an era dominated by… 在一个…占主导地位的时代

A household name 家喻户晓

We never rest on those laurels我们从未在所取得的成就面前驻足不前

Affordable 公道的价格

(26)Mass communications media

(30)Diplomatic corps外交使团

Senator & congressmen参议员&众议员

Chart a course?

For good or ill 孰好孰坏

Political pluralism 政治多元化

Confrontational 对抗性的


Has a profound interest十分关注


Peacekeeping efforts 维和工作

Reiterate重申, 反复地说

Rogue state残暴的国家

Rogue流氓, 无赖

Persian Gulf 波斯湾

Caspian Sea 里海

Building international mandates to reveres Iraq’s aggression against Kuwait对确立旨在逆转伊拉克对科威特入侵的国际行动权。

(35)Years ago 数年前

Virtually unknown 鲜为人知


Optical fiber cable 光纤电缆


Reverent虔诚的, 庄严的

Dictate责成, 指示, 指令

Eloquence of dictation 雄辩的辞令

Brilliance of metaphor 华丽的比喻

Honest failure?



Humble and gentle谦和

Not to seek the path of comfort不寻求安逸

Compassion同情, 怜悯


In short简而言之

(39)A shift in composition of the labor force 劳动力结构的改变

The capital stock股本

Fierce competition激烈的竞争


Centennial year百年纪念

At a moment in history(正处于)历史时刻

Match by相媲美

Sweeping transformation 势不可挡的改革

Even greater promise of your future前程更辉煌的未来

Command economic system 计划经济

Unprecedented 前所未有的

Have to be devised 必须出台

Have to be introduced 必须引进

The intelligence and ingenuity聪明才智

The enterprises奋斗精神

The late DengXiaoping counseled us to seek truth from facts.已故的邓小平同志教导我们要实事求是

No nation can isolate itself from these problems 没有哪个国家能置身度外

Common cause共同的失业

A new century of brilliant possibilities一个前程似锦的新世纪

Reverse the tide of扭转….潮流

(do not come) at tomorrow’s expense 不以明日的牺牲为代价

standing apart 各自为阵

impose on 强加于


against great odds 种种磨难
