
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/02 17:31:17

?? 巴黎是法国最大的工商业城市。北部诸郊区主要为制造业区。最发达的制造业项目有汽车、电器、化工、医药、食品等。奢华品生产居次,并主要集中在市中心各区;产品有贵重金属器具、皮革制品、瓷器、服装等。外围城区专事生产家具、鞋、精密工具、光学仪器等。印刷出版业集中在拉丁区和雷米街。大巴黎(都市)区电影生产量占法国电影生产总量的四分之三。巴黎大部分银行、保险公司的总部(包括法兰西银行和证券交易所)均设在“市场”(1183—1969年为当地的中心市场)的西侧。
?? 巴黎是法国文化、教育事业的中心,也是世界文化名城。法国著名的法兰西学院、巴黎大学、综合工科学校、高等师范学校、国立桥路学校以及国家科学研究中心等均设在巴黎。巴黎大学是世界上最古老的大学之一,创建于1253年。巴黎还有许多学术研究机构、图书馆、博物馆、剧院等。
?? 巴黎有75个图书馆,其中国立图书馆规模最大。该馆创建于1364—1380年,藏书1000万册。
?? 巴黎拥有50个剧场,200个电影院,15个音乐厅。巴黎歌剧院是世界上面积最大的歌剧院,位于市中心的奥斯曼大街,占地11万平方米,整个建筑兼有哥特式和罗马式的风格。法国国家音乐学院和舞蹈学校也设在这里。
?? 巴黎的“街头艺术”十分活跃,城市西北部的泰尔特尔艺术广场是世界闻名的露天画廊,每天都有不少画家在这里即席作画出售。在市中心的沙特莱广场和圣·日耳曼德伯广场等地,青年学生和市民经常自带乐器举行音乐会,表演各种节目。
?? 巴黎是一座世界历史名城,名胜古迹比比皆是,埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、爱丽舍宫、凡尔赛宫、卢浮宫、协和广场、巴黎圣母院、乔治·蓬皮杜全国文化艺术中心等,是国内外游客流连忘返的地方。美丽的塞纳河两岸,公园、绿地星罗棋布,32座大桥横跨河上,使河上风光更加妩媚多姿。河中心的城岛是巴黎的摇篮和发源地。塞纳河畔圣米歇尔林荫大道有绵延数公里的旧书市场,每天都有不少国内外学者、游客来这里选购心爱的古籍,形成塞纳河畔古老的文化区——拉丁区的一大特色。
?? 巴黎还是一座“世界会议城”。它以明媚的风光、丰富的名胜古迹、多姿多采的文化活动以及现代化的服务设施,迎来了众多的国际会议,据统计,1987年在巴黎共举行了365次国际性会议,超过了纽约、伦敦、布鲁塞尔、日内瓦,居世界首位。联合国教科文组织、经济合作与发展组织等国际组织的总部均设在巴黎。

French capital city, Paris(Paris) is an European Continent top the biggest city is also one of the most prosperous cities in the world.The French north of the ground, the Seine west coast, is 375 kilometers apart from the river mouth(English Channel).The Seine winds around to cut through city, becoming two river heart islands.(the 斯 is virtuous with St. Louis)The downtown population 2,170,000.The city 踞 the Parisian basin is central, belonging to the maritime climate of the geniality, the summer has no intense heat, the winter have no strict and cold;January is average the air temperature is 3 ℃s, July average the air temperature is 18 ℃s, year average the air temperature is 10 ℃s.Whole year the rainfall distribute balanced, the summer autumn is slightly many, year average rainfall is 619.
The Paris is a biggest industry and business industry city of France.The northern various suburban area mainly is a manufacturing industry area.The most flourishing manufacturing industry item contain automobile,electric appliances,chemical engineering,medicine,food...etc..The luxurious article production resides a time, and the main concentration is in each area of city center;The product has noble metal tool,leather to product,china,clothing etc..The outer circle city area particularly the matter produce a furniture,shoe,precise tool,optical instrument etc..Print the publish industry concentration in Latin area and the thunder rice street.The greatly Parisian(city) area movie volume of production has the three quarter that the French movie produces a total amount.The headquarters(include France the bank and stock exchange) of greatly parts of banks,insurance companies in Paris all establishes in the west side of"market"(is local center markets for 1183-1969 years).
The Paris is the center of the French culture,the education business, is also cultural in world city.The French 著 France college,Parisian university,comprehensive engineering school,high etc. normal school,the national bridge road school and the national science research center etc. all establish in Paris.The Parisian university is one of the most ancient universities in the world, establishing in 1253.There are still many academic think factory,library,museum,theater...etc. in Paris.
There are 75 libraries in the Paris, among them, the national library scale is the biggest.That building was established in 1364-1380 years, the library is 10,000,000 volumes.
The Paris owns 50 theaters, 200 movie theaters, 15 music halls.The Parisian opera house is a world to accumulate the biggest opera house up, locating the 奥斯曼 avenue of the city centers, covering 110,000 square meters, the whole building and have an elder brother the style of the type and type in Rome especially.French national music college with dance a school to also establish here.
"The street art" of the Paris is very active, city the 泰尔 of the northwest department especially the 尔 art square is the open-air art gallery that the world be known for, having not a few painters everyday on-the-spot make a painting to sell here.In the sand of the city center especially the 莱 square and the saint · German virtuous 伯 square etc. ground, youth student and citizenry usually from take musical instrument to hold a concert, perform various program.
The Paris is history in a world city, the famous spot historic monument all like that, the 埃菲尔 iron pagoda,triumphal arch,the love 丽 gives up a temple,Versailles the temple,卢 float a temple and help with the square,Parisian Holy Mother hospital,George the · 蓬 skin 杜 national cultural art center etc. is the place that the domestic and international visitor linger on, forgetting to return.Beautiful Seine cross-straits, park,numerous and densely spread out greenly, 32 big bridges cross river up, make more much more charmingly feminine 姿 of the river top scene.The city island of the river center is a Parisian cradle and the source.Saint rice 歇尔 tree bordered boulevard in the Seine side contain old book market of continue long the severals, there aren't a few domestic and international scholar,visitors to come to make choice of purchase beloved ancient works here everyday, the formation Seine ancient cultural in side area-Latin a great special features of the area.
The Paris be still a"meeting city in world".It is with the bright and beautiful scene,abundant of the famous spot historic monument,many 姿s adopt much of the cultural activity and the service facilities of the modernization, face to come to numerous international conferences, held 365 international meetings totally in Paris in 1987 according to the covariance, exceed New York,London,Brussels,Geneva, reside world first.United Nations teaches the section text organization,economy cooperation and development how to organize etc., the headquarters of the international organization all establishes in Paris.