神武2手游账号注册:请帮帮我### 英语问题~

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/07 15:21:36
请问 passive voice 甚麼时候用的呢??




1) 不及物动词或动词短语无被动语态:
appear, die disappear, end (vi. 结束), fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand
break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place.
After the fire, very little remained of my house.

比较: rise, fall, happen是不及物动词;raise, seat是及物动词。

(错) The price has been risen.
(对) The price has risen.
(错) The accident was happened last week.
(对) The accident happened last week.
(错) The price has raised.
(对) The price has been raised.
(错) Please seat.
(对) Please be seated.

2) 不能用于被动语态的及物动词或动词短语:
fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to

This key just fits the lock.
Your story agrees with what had already been heard.

3) 系动词无被动语态:
appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn
It sounds good.

4) 带同源宾语的及物动词,反身代词,相互代词,不能用于被动语态:
die, death, dream, live, life
She dreamed a bad dream last night.

5) 当宾语是不定式时,很少用于被动语态。
(对) She likes to swim.
(错) To swim is liked by her.

1. 不知道动作的执行者
He was hit by a car.
2. 不需要知道动作的执行者
He was robbed on the way home.
3. 强调动作的受动者
A lot of flowers were planted by the students.

1:当动作的发出者未知时,e.g.The glass was broken.就不会说Someone broke the glass(当然如果要表达特别的意思的话还是可以这么说的)
2:当动作的发出者不需要被提及时:English is spoken in New Zealand.语言当然是由人来说的,这个就属于不用被提及的。又如:Rice are grown in Southern China.