神秘 虚幻 成语:英语高手帮忙翻译(1)

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/06 10:55:21
GALE-FORCE WINDS from the Bering Sea’s first fall storm scoured St. Paul Island in Alaska’s Pribilofs, a stunning archipelago of ancient volcanoes and sweeping tundra 310 miles from the mainland. But amid the thundering ten0foot waves and shattering spry, hundreds of northern fur seals played with nimble abandon. Noses aloft, flippers up, they bobbed in the swells, as buoyant and nonchalant as birds on a thermal. They jostled, squirmed, slammed into each other. Individual seals skimmed down breaking waves like sleek brown animals, some of them females returning to the island to nurse after foraging 150 miles out to sea.
Onshore, the half mile of beach was alive with seals. Youngsters tossed strands of kelp and wrestled; cows lounged with bellies exposed, nursing their pups; bulls galumphed into grassy nooks and sprawled out to snooze. A ripe fishy odor saturated the cold wind, and whickering moans, grunts and bawls rose above the ocean’s roar.
Vostochni Rookery, birthplace of 18,872 pups in 2004, home to a rowdy and tireless herd, was
simply teeming, the largest concentration of northern fur seals in the United States. And yet, to a practiced eye, something was wrong.
Thousands of animals were missing.

DUSTIN JUNES, the 24-year-old son of a sea lion hunter and part of a new generation of young Aleuts looking after the island for his tribe, stood bareheaded in the October chill and scanned Vostochni Rookery with binoculars and a spotting scope. The scene made him shake his head in disbelief. Grass was now sprouting in places pounded to hardpan by seals only a year or two earlier. Boulders once polished by the bodies of nursing females were gathering moss. Where 600-pound bulls and their harems had jammed the beach, hummocks grew brushy and thick.
Jones, who was raised on St. Paul and has a stocky build and wears an earring, serves as the Tanalix Amgignax (Island Sentinel), a sort of ecosystem scout for the village’s tribal government-patrolling beaches, watching animals, recording what he sees.
Jones took his first sea lion at age 12 with his father and spent countless weekends afoot with his grandfather, the island’s magistrate and a popular tourist guide. To him, the scene at the rookery confirmed what his grandfather had been warning the local government about all those years. “He knew the seals were decreasing,” Jones said.
The latest figures, based on seal counts taken in the animals’ summer habitats on Pribilofbeaches, would prove him right. A population that may have once numbered two million to three million in the 19th century-and saw a 20th-century high of 2.1 million in 1951-had slid to about 688,000. “This is just empty,” Jones said, as he tucked away his spotting scope and prepared to drive to another beach. “It’s unbelievable. They’re usually just packed all the way up the grass.”

GALE-FORCE 风从Bering Sea..s 首先落风暴被擦试的圣 保罗海岛在Alaska..s Pribilofs, 震惊群岛古老火山和祭扫寒带草 原310 英哩从这个大陆。但在之中打雷的ten0foot 波浪和冲垮 spry, 上百北毛皮封印演奏与灵活摒弃。鼻子aloft, 腐败罐, 他 们浮动在膨胀, 一样轻飘飘和nonchalant 象鸟在上升暖流。他们 jostled, 扭动, 关上入彼此。各自的封印撇取在打破波浪下象光滑 棕色动物, 一些他们女性回来到这个海岛护士在搜寻150 英哩以后 海
向着海岸, 半英哩海滩是活与封印。年轻人抛撒海带子线 和搏斗; 母牛lounged 与腹部暴露, 护理他们的小狗; 公牛 galumphed 入像草角落和懒散对snooze 。成熟可疑气味饱和冷风, 和whickering 的呻吟声, 作古噜声和大喊玫瑰色在ocean..s 吼声 之上。
Vostochni Rookery, 2004 年出生地18,872 只小狗, 家 对粗暴和不倦的牧群, 是
简单地倒出, 北毛皮封印的最大的浓度在美国。仍然, 对 一个被实践的眼睛, 某事是错误的。

DUSTIN, 24 岁的6月儿子海狮猎人和部分的年轻Aleuts 的一个新世代照看海岛为他的部落,站立没戴帽在10月冷颤和被扫描 的Vostochni Rookery 与双筒望远镜和察觉的范围。这个场面使他 摇他的头在disbelief 。草现在发芽在地方捣对hardpan 由封印一 年或只二比较早期。冰砾由护理女性的身体一次擦亮会集青苔。那 里600 磅公牛和他们的harems 阻塞这个海滩, hummocks 增长 brushy 和浓厚。
琼斯, 被培养在圣保罗和有stocky 修造和佩带耳环, 担 当Tanalix Amgignax (海岛稍兵), 有点儿生态系侦察员为 village..s 部族政府巡逻的海滩, 观看动物, 记录什么他看见。
琼斯采取他的第一头海狮于年龄12 与他的父亲和度过不 计其数的周末步行与他的祖父, island..s 行政官和一个普遍的游 客指南。对他, 场面于rookery 证实什么他的祖父警告当地政府关 于所有那些岁月。..He 知道封印减少, .. 琼斯说。
最新的图, 根据封印计数采取在animals.. 夏天栖所在 Pribilofbeaches, 正当证明他。也许一次第二百万号到三百万在 19 世纪和看20 世纪上流2.1 百万在1951 有滑到大约688,000 的 人口。..This 是公正空, .. 琼斯说, 如同他卷起他察觉的范围和 准备驾驶其它海滩。..It..s 难以相信。They..re 通常包装所有 方式grass...

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