
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 19:29:26
you know i can not put words in your mouth so to speak, when you write the letter start of my introducing yourself and where you are from, and explain your interest in whatever form your questions are, such as ..what is his view on world peace for the future, global warming, and what impact industry plays in the the cleanup of industrial pollution and the cleanup up of air and water. douse he feel other countries are doing enough to contribute to the cleanup of industrial waste. and what is the role of young people in all this , as they are the future and will inherit the past mistakes of an older generation. blah blah blah................................
mabi this would be a good time to test this professor by asking his views. LOL
make the letter friendly but not to friendly, be frank and honest in your questions, and last but not least, thank him for taking the time to read your letter...........
imagine that this is an exam paper of great importance, so you will write it many times till you feel it is just right. in your eyes, dont worry how it looks to to anyone else, you have a feel for these things so let your gut instinct guide you, in your final draft email me a copy and i will look at it through the eyes of a westener and tell you what i think. ok dont sweat it be cool , after all you are are you not.

你要把这封信想成一次重要的考试,然后你就会反复地修改它直到你觉得满意为止。不要过于在乎别人怎么看它,你有自己的感觉,因而就让你的直觉(got instinct)来指引你写。在你完成最后一稿后,抄送一份电邮给我,然后我会从一个西方人的角度告诉你我的看法。好了,别太烦恼,放轻松。说到底,你就是你!