diana prince 新片:谁有英语小文?救小妹一把吧!!!

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/02 18:06:26

New Year’s Eve
Jan. 28th, 2005, the last day of lunar calendar
You know, spring festival is the most important festival. But today isn’t spring festival, yesterday will be. And you also know the last day of lunar calendar is important as well---New year’s Eve. Chinese always get together and celebrate it.
Today, everybody didn’t have to work, now, if you went to the street, no shop was open. This morning, I got up at ten o’ clock, the sun was very high. Then I went out with my father want to have breakfast, but no shop was open. We were all despond. So we went home, mother cooked the breakfast for us. It’s 11 o ’clock, we even had breakfast. But today was the last day of lunar calendar, it didn’t matter! My father and I read some books after breakfast. At noon, we ate dumplings.
After lunch, it’s time to clean the house. All Chinese families do this to sweep away bad luck, and make room for good luck. We made sure to hide the brooms before New Year, otherwise good luck might be swept away. Mother cleaned the windows, I swept the floor, father waxed the car, now everything was new! After that, father and I decorated the house with red couplets and paper cutting. They had words like ‘Good Luck’ or ‘Happiness’ written on them. My father hanged them upside down and said:” Good Luck has arrived!” That was because the word for ‘upside down’ sounds like ‘has arrived’ in Chinese. Couplets went outside the door too. There were poems on them to protect us from a monster, Nian, and other evil things. I helped my father did these things, we were all happy!
Oh, it’s 5 o’clock, we had to eat Family reunion dinner then. We had to go countryside to have this important feast with my grandmother and grandfather, because my mother is a nurse, and she have to work all the time. After an hour, we arrived in grandmother’s house. When I arrived, my little brother was shooting off firecrackers. The noise was bad! Then my aunts and grandfather gave me red envelolpes. They had money inside. My brother used to say, ’Gong Xi Fa Cai, Hong Bao Na Lai’, it means ‘Happy New Year, now give me my red envelope’. He was very naughty! In Family reunion dinner, there was a lot of food, meat, vegetables, lamb and so on…My grandmother is good at cooking, I think.
After dinner, I went home on time, because I wanted to watch Spring Festival Gala Evening. Of course, my father played the cards with my nuncle, aunt and a friend. At midnight, everybody counted down,’5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0!!!’ At the same time, everybody lit firecrackers. The noise scared away all the monsters and evil things. Then father opened all the windows and doors to make sure that they ran far away. The old year leaved, and the new year is coming!!
By the way, I think the Spring Festival Gala Evening this year wasn’t better than last year, isn’t very good…What do you think?
Happy new year!!


Many people think kiwifruit is a special product of New Zealand. That is wrong. Actually, kiwifruit was first produced in China. It is called Chinese gooseberry. It was introduced to New Zealand 100 years age. It is also a medicinal fruit. It can prevent and control scurvy, cancer,and hypertension. Kiwifruit also has a nickname called "the king of fruits", A professor of Rutgers University has published a report about the nutrition value of fruit. In the report, he said among the 27 most welcomed fruits, kiwifruit has the hightest nutrition proportion. So 2 kiwifruit a day can satisfied one-third of one person's whole day's nutriment


15 January, 1916
Dear Flossie and Dora,
I arrived here safely on Thursday evening. "Here" is 40 yds. from the Huns. There are about 15 of my old platoon [排] left. We were very glad to see each other again. The enemy [敌人] were very quiet the first night, probably [可能] having heard of my return, and feeling a bit awed [害怕] there.
Yesterday our guns had a strafe [轰击] for about 30 minutes, the Germans replying [回答,回应] in a very meek [温顺的] and mild [温和的] fashion. It is very muddy [泥泞的] and wet, and quite cold at nights. Rats [田鼠] swarm [蜂拥而上], they come and give one the glad eye when resting in a dugout [坑], and run across one at nighttime [夜里]. They feed on [以…为食] bacon scraps [腌肉片] and dead men.
We have spells of 4 days in the trenches [沟,战壕], 4 days in the reserve [保护区], 4 days in the trenches again, and then 4 days rest. There is nothing to do except keep the trenches tidy, and inspect [检查] rifles [枪] and gas helmets [面罩]. Every morning everyone has to remove [移除,脱掉] his gum boots [胶鞋] and socks and rub his feet, otherwise "trench foot" is contracted [收缩], and the toes [脚趾头] and feet drop off.
I had a couple of shots this morning at what I thought was a German. I don''''t know whether I killed anything, but I tried hard. We are not allowed [允许] to speak to the people across the way, but they have recently informed [通知] us that the war will be over in one month''''s time.
Yesterday we had bacon and eggs for breakfast, a luxury [奢侈的东西] which I had not expected [指望]. We have roast beef [烤牛肉] for dinner. The joint is passed round and each cuts a chunk [一片,一块] off. The same knife is used for butter, meat, jam, bread and cheese, and for stirring [搅拌] the tea!
Our tea is made from water pumped [抽] from the ground. You know it is tea, because of the tea-leaves. Shaving [刮胡须] water comes from the same source [来源], and you know it isn''''t tea because there are no tea-leaves.
I met an old schoolfellow [校友] on the boat from Southampton. G.N.Smith is his name. I think he had a sister at Penrhos. A piece of shell [贝克,子弹壳] from one of our guns [枪] fell within 3 yards of me yesterday, and quite startled [使…头晕] me for the moment. There is a rumour [谣传] here today that 3 divisions [分队] of Huns have been cut off by the French. An unexploded [未爆炸的] shell has this moment dropped [落] outside our dugout. We are feeling quite pleased.
Kindest regards to your Father and Mother,
Yours sincerely,
Reading 1
Managers often have desks that are surprisingly empty! These empty desks can show that the manager often travels and is out of the office most of the time. An empty desk can also demonstrate how powerful the manager is by its representative status. Sometimes, in the USA, you can see footmarks on the desk because some managers like to put their feet up on the desk when they are talking on the telephone! In the States, managers put their feet up on the desk to show that they are in control in their office. Managers usually have a laptop computer on their desk. In fact, this laptop computer is their true desk. These days, most managers do almost all their work on their laptops. Another thing you might find is a cell phone - another sign of the mobility most managers demand.
Reading 2
Secretaries usually have an older computer and a telephone on their desk. The usually have an older computer because the managers are often the first to receive the latest technological equipment. Secretaries'''' desks are often tidy as they are usually tidier than the bosses. You will also find an agenda of some sort because secretaries need to make appointments for their bosses. Secretaries'''' desks often have pictures of their children and families that they look at from time to time during the day. In the past, secretaries were usually women. Today, however, more and more men are becoming secretaries as more and more women become managers and the workplace becomes more equal.
Reading 3
Shop workers probably have the untidiest desks of all. The desks of shop workers are used for a number of purposes. They often have a computer and telephone to take care of paper work, but they also use their desk as a place to lay their various tools as they work at their different tasks. In many machine shops, you will also be surprised at how dirty a shop worker''''s desk is! Shop workers have to do a variety of physical tasks that often involve greasy equipment. Of course, the grease from the tools and the equipment dirty the desk as the shop worker sits down to do a report or make a telephone call. Shop workers usually don''''t clean their desk too often as they know that the desks will just get dirty the next time they sit down to have a cup of coffee.
Reading 4
My friend''''s name is Peter. Peter is from Amsterdam, in Holland. He is Dutch. He is married and has two children. His wife, Jane, is American. She is from Boston in The United States. Her family is still in Boston, but she now works and lives with Peter in Milan. They speak English, Dutch, German and Italian! Their children are pupils at a local primary school. The children go to school with other children from all over the world. Flora, their daughter, has friends from France, Switzerland, Austria and Sweden. Hans, their son, goes to school with students from South Africa, Portugal, Spain and Canada. Of course, there are many children from Italy. Imagine, French, Swiss, Austrian, Swedish, South African, American, Italian, Spanish and Canadian children all learning together in Italy!
Reading 5
Like most offices, my office is a place where I can concentrate on my work and feel comfortable at the same time. Of course, I have all the necessary equipment on my desk. I have the telephone next to the fax machine on the right side of my desk. My computer is in the center of my desk with the monitor directly in front of me. I have a comfortable office chair to sit on and some pictures of my family between the computer and the telephone. In order to help me read, I also have a lamp near my computer which I use in the evening if I work late. There is plenty of paper in one of the cabinet drawers. There are also staples and a stapler, paper clips, highlighters, pens and erasers in the other drawer. In the room, there is a comfortable armchair and a sofa to sit on. I also have a low table in front of the sofa on which there are some industry magazines.

no pains ,no gains