
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 21:57:05
1.继续争辩下去没有意义了. argue
2.他假装很勇敢,但结果是一个懦夫. trun out;coward
3.这个男孩被老师的话深深地打动了,所以做了很多事来帮助同班同学. 过去分词做原因状语
4.尽管腿部被击中,他仍继续向敌人开枪. 过去分词作状语
5.高中阶段的学习很有价值,好好利用时间学习吧. of+n.
6.一次初衷为寻求知识的旅行现在需要的则是勇气了. start out,call for
7.不仅爱因斯坦所有的一切都没收了,而且他的德国公民权也被剥削了. 倒装句

Continued to argue does not have the significance
He disguises very bravely, but the result is one coward
This boy was been deep by teacher's speech deeply moves, therefore did very meddlesomely helps the classmate
Although the leg department is hit, he still continued to the enemy to open fire
The high school stage study very has the value, uses the time study well.
One original intention for sought the knowledge the travel now needs is the courage
Not only Einstein's all all all confiscated, moreover his German civil rights was also exploited