
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/03 07:11:44

- 2002 - Dragonfly - 蜻蜓

- 2001 - 3,000 Miles to Graceland - 距格雷斯兰3000里

- 2000 - Thirteen Days - 惊爆十三天

- 1999 - Play It to the Bone - 拳拳到骨

- 1999 - For Love of the Game - 棒球之爱

- 1999 - Message in a Bottle - 瓶中信

- 1997 - Postman, The - 终级邮差

- 1996 - Tin Cup - 锡杯

- 1995 - Waterworld - 未来水世界

- 1994 - Century of Cinema, A -
- 1994 - War, The - 树屋上的童真

- 1994 - Wyatt Earp - 义海倾情

- 1993 - Perfect World, A - 完美的世界

- 1992 - Beyond 'JFK': The Question of Conspiracy - 惊天大刺杀

- 1992 - John Barry -
- 1992 - Bodyguard, The - 保镖

- 1991 - Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves - 侠盗王子罗宾汉

- 1991 - Madonna: Truth or Dare -
- 1990 - Dances with Wolves - 与狼共舞

- 1990 - Revenge -
- 1989 - Field of Dreams - 梦幻之地

- 1988 - Bull Durham - 德拉姆牛
- 1987 - No Way Out -
- 1987 - Untouchables, The - 铁面无私

- 1986 - Shadows Run Black -
- 1986 - Sizzle Beach, U.S.A. -
- 1985 - American Flyers -
- 1985 - Silverado - 西尔弗拉多
- 1985 - Fandango -
- 1984 - Gunrunner, The -
- 1983 - Table for Five - 五口之家

- 1983 - Testament -
- 1982 - Chasing Dreams -
- 1982 - Stacy's Knights -
- 1982 - Night Shift -




流言蜚语 Rumor Has It (2005)
愤怒之上/怒不可遏/抓狂边缘 The Upside of Anger (2005)
The Tortilla Curtain (2005)
Beyond the 'Open Range' (2004)
101 Biggest Celebrity Oops (2004)
天地无限 Open Range (2003)
Frat Boys (2003)
鬼胎记 Dragonfly (2002)
Inside the Playboy Mansion (2002)
猫王大劫案 3000 Miles to Graceland (2001)
Bringing History to the Silver Screen (2001)
惊爆十三天 Thirteen Days (2000)
2000 Blockbuster Entertainment Awards (2000)
When It Was a Game 3 (2000)
拳拳到骨 Play It to the Bone (1999)
棒球之爱 For Love of the Game (1999)
瓶中信 Message in a Bottle (1999)
Academy Awards (1999)
邮差 Postman, The (1997)
锡杯 Tin Cup (1996)
未来水世界 Waterworld (1995)
世纪电影 Century of Cinema, A (1994)
复活岛 Rapa Nui (1994)
战争 War, The (1994)
义海倾情 Wyatt Earp (1994)
完美的世界 Perfect World, A (1993)
保镖 Bodyguard, The (1992)
Awards, The (1992)
惊天大刺杀 JFK (1991)
真实或大胆 Madonna: Truth or Dare (1991)
与狼共舞 Dances with Wolves (1990)
Revenge (1990)
梦幻之地 Field of Dreams (1989)
百万金臂/接棒情缘/德拉姆牛/布尔·达累姆 Bull Durham (1988)
义胆雄心 Untouchables, The (1987)
走投无路 No Way Out (1987)
致命的海岸线 Sizzle Beach, U.S.A. (1986)
美国飞行器 American Flyers (1985)
Fandango (1985)
Silverado (1985)
证言 Testament (1983狼越中国
Gunrunner, The (1984)
) le for Five (1983)
Chasing Dreams (1982)
红伶劫 Frances (1982)
Neil Young: Human Highway (1982)
夜班 Night Shift (1982)
