
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 15:06:21
第一首 电影<玩命夺宝>的主题歌
Well,I wake up in the morning each and every day.
And I sit down at the table and I hear my daddy say:
Life is nothing,it's a nothing.
Life is nothing but a slap in the face.
Life is nothing,it's a nothing.
Life is nothing but a fat rat race.

Every night I have a dream that you are taking off your dress.
The only thing you are wearing is two buttons on your chest.
And the button,it says nothing
Life is nothing but a slap in the face.
Life is nothing,it's a nothing.
Life is nothing but a fat rat race.
What is life?oh,yeah...what is life?oh,yeah...
A rat race? A rat race!

It's a jungle out there and I know I don't be alone
So all night long I just singing my stupid song
Get a body out in the rat,in the race
Get a body out in the rat,in the race

第二首 憨豆特工主题曲

one eye on the shadows
protecting his fellows
from sunup till the moon on his back
sendin'villains to hades
a hit with the ladies
a stallion in the sack
you can't get your life back when right follows left.Jack.
the more you see the less you know
when others would leak it
his service is secret
plays god when it's your time to go
don't be jealous
when they made him they broke the mould
so charismatic with an automatic
never prematurely shooting his load
queen and country safe and sound
with villains six feet underground
and no one knows 'cause no one's found any trace
of a man for all seasons
loves'em and leaves 'em alone
so alone

拜托大家帮个忙可以吗,这两天是我一个同学也是挺不错的好友生日[阴历今天,阳历明天],拜托大家帮忙去她QQ空间留言祝一下她生日快乐可以吗,去的我一定登门拜访啊,做件好事哩,嗯,但愿我这么做不是很蠢,她的QQ是404587626,[有些人可能还不知道怎么进空间呢,右上角不是有个查看吗,在那输入QQ号,点查看就行了!!]谢谢啦 ,不过不要加她好友了,这不要[谢谢合作]。而且可别说有人要你来什么的,就说听说你今天生日或者我知道今天是你生日一类的,(最好能来一些赏心悦目的蛋糕!!)多谢了 [她回问的话,就发挥你的灵感 跟她随便应两句,来点幽默感嘛,要不干脆就不理她就是]没什么啦,我发誓就是想能多点人祝她生日快乐!觉得这样不错,觉得有点小意外不错,嗯 ,~友情万岁!!!阳光心情万岁!!!{呵呵] 祝大家每天都开开心心的!!!
病狗很阳光心情的主意,希望能带来一个很阳光的结果 [帮帮忙啊!!!!
最后还是谢谢大家啊,但愿别惹出事来 ,不会把人家害了,呵呵