
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/05 23:39:26
在中学的时候我非常喜欢学习语文,因为我一直认为学习汉语就好像学习一门艺术一 样,中国的语言文学真的是很 奇妙,中学时我们的语文老师很喜欢介绍我们去看一些国内外的名著,这也让我受益菲浅,语文在我们的日常生活中可以说是无处不在,它的重要性不言而喻。学好语文让我在以后的日常交流及写作会话上都能够达到 一定的水平。对于语文我谈不上擅长但却是特别的喜欢。闲来无事写些小文章也是一种不错的放松。数学让我有了一个理性思维,语文让我可以更加感性的看待生活,体会生活的美好。

I used to learn Chinese very much when I was in high school,because I have always been thinking that the study of Chinese is like a kind of art,which is amazing as well as it.The teacher who taught me in high school would like to advise us to read some great works of the great writers,which made me feel fulfilled.It is safe to say that Chinese is in every corner of our daily life.The importance of Chinese is beyond words.Learning it well would make me better in daily communicating and writing.I am not good at Chinese though,I like it very much.It is kind of goog relax to write some articles in spare time.Maths makes us logical,while Chinese helps us to face life sensibly and to learn the goodliness of life.


I used to love learning Chinese very much when I was in high school time.Because I always believe learing Chinese is just like learning an kind of art.Chinese literature is really fantastic!My Chinese teacher was very fond of recommend us to read masterpieces both at home and abroad, which also benefits me a lot.Chinese is everywhere in our daily life.The importance of Chinese is beyond words.Learning Chinese well helps me to achieve a certain level in my daily communication(conversation) and writting.I can hardly say I am good at Chinese,but at least I love it very much.It's really a good recreation to write an essay when I am free.Maths teaches me rational thought, while Chinese helps me more sensible to the life and taste its nicety.

I love learning Chinese very much when at my high school time.Because I always believe learing Chinese is just like learning an art.Chinese literature is really fantastic!My Chinese are fond of recommend us to read masterpieces both home and abroad, which also benefits me a lot.Chinese is everywhere in our daily life.The importance of Chinese is obvious.Learning Chinese well helps me to achieve a certain level in my daily communication,writting and conversation.I can hardly say I am good at Chinese,but at least I love it very much.It's really a good recreation to write an essay when I am free.Maths teaches me rational thought, while Chinese helps me more sensible to the life and taste its nicety.

During my primary study, I like Chinese very much, for I feel it like an art. And its language is very activity; also our Chinese teacher always introduced the masterpieces from foreign country, which benefits me a lot. It is so important that can be used in anywhere of the daily life. Also study it well can improve the daily communication and writing. Although I not good at it but I like it very much. It is easy and comfortable for writing a passage. By the way studying math can improve my logistic and Chinese can make me better treat the life and new the life.