
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/07/06 11:42:25
Plaintiff Wouter Hermans was interned in august 1942 when he was eighteen years old.He was subjected to beatings by rifle stocks .He was interned in four camps and released at the camp in Tjitjalenka.After return to the Netherlands he became a psychiatrist.
Plaintiff Anna de Pijper was born in March 1942 and interned with her mother in December the same year.Her father was detained as a POW two days after her birth.The plaintiff was released with her mother at the Banjoe Biroe internment camp.She finished studies at the University of leiden with a Doctoral Examination in Biology.Since about that time she been afflicted by nightmares of her past experiences during the interment camps and diagnosed as having the symptoms of post Traumatic Stress Disorder Syndrome.

在1942年8月,18岁的原告Wouter Hermans被软禁。原告在软禁时受到来福枪枪拖的毒打。在软禁期间,原告住过4个拘留营地;原告是在Tjitjalenka营地被释放的。之后,原告回到了荷兰,并成了一名精神病医师/精神病学家。

原告Anna de Pijper是在1942年3月时出生的;同年的12月,原告和她的母亲被软禁在一起。在原告出生两天后,原告的父亲因成了一名战俘而被扣留。原告和她的母亲是在Banjoe Biroe拘留所被释放的。原告后来在Leiden(雷顿)大学完成她的生物博士学位的考试,并完成了她的学业。从那以后,原告一直摆脱不掉在拘留所所经历过的恶梦和折磨;并且,原告被确诊患了创伤后应激障碍综合症。

