
来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/04 16:56:58
这部电影因为译制的关系,名字蛮多的,有法兰德斯的够,佛兰德斯的狗,还有龙龙与忠狗,我在网上找到过一个贴子,可以听歌但是不能下载,我现在想把它下在我的MP3上,请大家帮忙,歌名几个字母是WHEN I CRY..这部动画片1997年的时候在中央电视台电影频道播过,我一直很喜欢,我现在分数不是很多,要是真的找到这歌,我会追加分数,谢谢!

歌名:When i cry

I am awaken without reason——我一觉醒过来
It's restless kind of season——已经是花开时节
I hear the thunder——雷声阵阵作响
I hear the raindrops——听得见雨声
Then I see rainbows——然而 我看见了彩虹
All rainbow of you——那道似你的彩虹
I can remember just like that summer——当我忆起当年的夏天
The summer when I found a friend and you——那个和你初识的夏天
When I cry I call out your name——我一边哭 一边喊着你的名字
I can recall all all that childhood——儿时的记忆 全都回到了眼前
Like dream that will never die of——好像是一场不曾睡醒的梦
I am taking my sorrow——将悲伤的我
And you bring me to the light——带往温柔的光中
When I cry I call out your name——我一边哭 一边喊着你的名字
Just touch me with heaven at my doorstep——你悄悄的站立在我窗前
To remind me that I won't be alone——告诉我你从不曾离开我
Forever as kind if you would remind me——如果我俩的爱永不止息
That our love no way will not die——那便是份永远的温柔
Show your face to me my love——请让我再看你的脸
You are the star light——照亮我看清黑暗
Let me know your home——然后告诉我你与我同在

You are my prayer in this night time——在黑夜造访时我为你祈祷
You get strength to my life on——你给予我生存的意志
Ara you an angel with all of your wonder——难道你是持有特异功能的天使
Are stars glimmering within the sky——在夜空中闪烁的星辰们 是不是你的朋友
Can you still see me becoming a woman——长大成人的我 是否看得见你呢
Can you believe it being such a long time——你能相信时光流逝的无情吗
When I cry I call out your name——我一边哭 一边喊着你的名字
The echoes of strangers sound familiar——不相识的人的声音
As if it were you I can hearing——被我当成是你呼唤我的声音
I don't want to follow if it's here I belong——如果这里属于我 我不会追逐你
But it is true that I miss your smile——但是我爱死了你的笑容
I'll carry your memories throughout my lifetime——我要和你一起活下去
To the winters end and to the summer die——就算冬夏已过
I wipe away teardrops——擦干我的眼泪
Cus I am stronger than I might know——因为我自己比想像中更坚强
When I cry it won't be the same——就算悲伤 感觉也与过往有所不同
But laughter of a friend——但我听得见朋友的笑声
Might hold in your hand——我一直都存在在你心中
This is what life seems to be telling me——这是神告诉我的
I need to see——我要证实
When I cry I can be set free——就算悲伤 我也能得到自由
Like journey of rivers to the ocean——航向大海 就像时间的河流
It's like were together for always——你一直在我身旁
There is no denying——永不离开
I found courage knowing your love And I see you will always be——你的爱给我生存的勇气
The sweetest lover that I had known——你永远是我最爱的人
The sweetest friendship——也是我的挚友
You make me strong——是你让我坚强