梦醒时分歌曲梁静茹:VB 用api 实现 ICMP 协议 连接实例

来源:百度文库 编辑:高校问答 时间:2024/10/07 19:54:33
给个VB 用api 实现 ICMP 协议 连接实例
请注意 是连接 不是PING


Option Explicit

Public Const IP_STATUS_BASE = 11000
Public Const IP_SUCCESS = 0
Public Const IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL = (11000 + 1)
Public Const IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 2)
Public Const IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 3)
Public Const IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 4)
Public Const IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE = (11000 + 5)
Public Const IP_NO_RESOURCES = (11000 + 6)
Public Const IP_BAD_OPTION = (11000 + 7)
Public Const IP_HW_ERROR = (11000 + 8)
Public Const IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG = (11000 + 9)
Public Const IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT = (11000 + 10)
Public Const IP_BAD_REQ = (11000 + 11)
Public Const IP_BAD_ROUTE = (11000 + 12)
Public Const IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT = (11000 + 13)
Public Const IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM = (11000 + 14)
Public Const IP_PARAM_PROBLEM = (11000 + 15)
Public Const IP_SOURCE_QUENCH = (11000 + 16)
Public Const IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG = (11000 + 17)
Public Const IP_BAD_DESTINATION = (11000 + 18)
Public Const IP_ADDR_DELETED = (11000 + 19)
Public Const IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE = (11000 + 20)
Public Const IP_MTU_CHANGE = (11000 + 21)
Public Const IP_UNLOAD = (11000 + 22)
Public Const IP_ADDR_ADDED = (11000 + 23)
Public Const IP_GENERAL_FAILURE = (11000 + 50)
Public Const MAX_IP_STATUS = 11000 + 50
Public Const IP_PENDING = (11000 + 255)
Public Const PING_TIMEOUT = 200
Public Const WS_VERSION_REQD = &H101
Public Const MIN_SOCKETS_REQD = 1
Public Const SOCKET_ERROR = -1

Public Const MAX_WSADescription = 256
Public Const MAX_WSASYSStatus = 128

Ttl As Byte
Tos As Byte
Flags As Byte
OptionsSize As Byte
OptionsData As Long
End Type


Address As Long
status As Long
RoundTripTime As Long
DataSize As Integer
Reserved As Integer
DataPointer As Long
Data As String * 250
End Type

Public Type HOSTENT
hName As Long
hAliases As Long
hAddrType As Integer
hLen As Integer
hAddrList As Long
End Type

Public Type WSADATA
wVersion As Integer
wHighVersion As Integer
szDescription(0 To MAX_WSADescription) As Byte
szSystemStatus(0 To MAX_WSASYSStatus) As Byte
wMaxSockets As Integer
wMaxUDPDG As Integer
dwVendorInfo As Long
End Type

Public Declare Function IcmpCreateFile Lib "icmp.dll" () As Long
Public Declare Function IcmpCloseHandle Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function IcmpSendEcho Lib "icmp.dll" (ByVal IcmpHandle As Long, ByVal DestinationAddress As Long, ByVal RequestData As String, ByVal RequestSize As Integer, ByVal RequestOptions As Long, ReplyBuffer As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY, ByVal ReplySize As Long, ByVal Timeout As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function WSAGetLastError Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Public Declare Function WSAStartup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal wVersionRequired As Long, lpWSADATA As WSADATA) As Long
Public Declare Function WSACleanup Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" () As Long
Public Declare Function gethostname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal szHost As String, ByVal dwHostLen As Long) As Long
Public Declare Function gethostbyname Lib "WSOCK32.DLL" (ByVal szHost As String) As Long
Public Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (hpvDest As Any, ByVal hpvSource As Long, ByVal cbCopy As Long)

Public Function GetStatusCode(status As Long) As String

Dim msg As String

Select Case status
Case IP_SUCCESS: msg = "ip success"
Case IP_BUF_TOO_SMALL: msg = "ip buf too_small"
Case IP_DEST_NET_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest net unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_HOST_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest host unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_PROT_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest prot unreachable"
Case IP_DEST_PORT_UNREACHABLE: msg = "ip dest port unreachable"
Case IP_NO_RESOURCES: msg = "ip no resources"
Case IP_BAD_OPTION: msg = "ip bad option"
Case IP_HW_ERROR: msg = "ip hw_error"
Case IP_PACKET_TOO_BIG: msg = "ip packet too_big"
Case IP_REQ_TIMED_OUT: msg = "ip req timed out"
Case IP_BAD_REQ: msg = "ip bad req"
Case IP_BAD_ROUTE: msg = "ip bad route"
Case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_TRANSIT: msg = "ip ttl expired transit"
Case IP_TTL_EXPIRED_REASSEM: msg = "ip ttl expired reassem"
Case IP_PARAM_PROBLEM: msg = "ip param_problem"
Case IP_SOURCE_QUENCH: msg = "ip source quench"
Case IP_OPTION_TOO_BIG: msg = "ip option too_big"
Case IP_BAD_DESTINATION: msg = "ip bad destination"
Case IP_ADDR_DELETED: msg = "ip addr deleted"
Case IP_SPEC_MTU_CHANGE: msg = "ip spec mtu change"
Case IP_MTU_CHANGE: msg = "ip mtu_change"
Case IP_UNLOAD: msg = "ip unload"
Case IP_ADDR_ADDED: msg = "ip addr added"
Case IP_GENERAL_FAILURE: msg = "ip general failure"
Case IP_PENDING: msg = "ip pending"
Case PING_TIMEOUT: msg = "ping timeout"
Case Else: msg = "unknown msg returned"
End Select
GetStatusCode = CStr(status) & " [ " & msg & " ]"
End Function

Public Function HiByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
HiByte = wParam &H1 And &HFF&
End Function

Public Function LoByte(ByVal wParam As Integer)
LoByte = wParam And &HFF&
End Function

Public Function Ping(szAddress As String, ECHO As ICMP_ECHO_REPLY) As Long
Dim hPort As Long
Dim dwAddress As Long
Dim sDataToSend As String
Dim iOpt As Long
sDataToSend = "Echo This"
dwAddress = AddressStringToLong(szAddress)
hPort = IcmpCreateFile()
If IcmpSendEcho(hPort, dwAddress, sDataToSend, Len(sDataToSend), 0, ECHO, Len(ECHO), PING_TIMEOUT) Then
'the ping succeeded,
'.Status will be 0
'.RoundTripTime is the time in ms for the ping to complete,
'.Data is the data returned (NULL terminated)
'.Address is the Ip address that actually replied
'.DataSize is the size of the string in .Data
Ping = ECHO.RoundTripTime
Ping = ECHO.status * -1
End If
Call IcmpCloseHandle(hPort)
End Function

Function AddressStringToLong(ByVal tmp As String) As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim parts(1 To 4) As String
i = 0
'we have to extract each part of the
'123.456.789.123 string, delimited by
'a period
While InStr(tmp, ".") > 0
i = i + 1
parts(i) = Mid(tmp, 1, InStr(tmp, ".") - 1)
tmp = Mid(tmp, InStr(tmp, ".") + 1)
i = i + 1
parts(i) = tmp
If i <> 4 Then
AddressStringToLong = 0
Exit Function
End If
'build the long value out of the
'hex of the extracted strings
AddressStringToLong = Val("&H" & Right("00" & Hex(parts(4)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(3)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(2)), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(parts(1)), 2))
End Function

Public Function SocketsCleanup() As Boolean
Dim X As Long
X = WSACleanup()
If X <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Windows Sockets error " & Trim$(Str$(X)) & " occurred in Cleanup.", vbExclamation
SocketsCleanup = False
SocketsCleanup = True
End If
End Function

Public Function SocketsInitialize() As Boolean
Dim X As Integer
Dim szLoByte As String, szHiByte As String, szBuf As String
If X <> 0 Then
MsgBox "Windows Sockets for 32 bit Windows " & "environments is not successfully responding."
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function
End If
If LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MAJOR Or (LoByte(WSAD.wVersion) = WS_VERSION_MAJOR And HiByte(WSAD.wVersion) < WS_VERSION_MINOR) Then
szHiByte = Trim$(Str$(HiByte(WSAD.wVersion)))
szLoByte = Trim$(Str$(LoByte(WSAD.wVersion)))
szBuf = "Windows Sockets Version " & szLoByte & "." & szHiByte
szBuf = szBuf & " is not supported by Windows " & "Sockets for 32 bit Windows environments."
MsgBox szBuf, vbExclamation
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function
End If
szBuf = "This application requires a minimum of " & Trim$(Str$(MIN_SOCKETS_REQD)) & " supported sockets."
MsgBox szBuf, vbExclamation
SocketsInitialize = False
Exit Function
End If
SocketsInitialize = True
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim pos As Integer
Call Ping(Text2.Text, ECHO)
Text1(0) = GetStatusCode(ECHO.status)
Text1(1) = ECHO.Address
Text1(2) = ECHO.RoundTripTime & " ms"
Text1(3) = ECHO.DataSize & " bytes"
If Left$(ECHO.Data, 1) <> Chr$(0) Then
pos = InStr(ECHO.Data, Chr$(0))
Text1(4) = Left$(ECHO.Data, pos - 1)
End If
Text1(5) = ECHO.DataPointer
End Sub